Chapter 17 -- "Are you doubting my abilities, Miss Perkins?

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Chapter 17

"Ugh..." I groaned loudly, rolling over and shielding my eyes from the blistering sun which peered through the room. I felt the familiar pounding in my head and the horrible dryness of my throat. Why did I get drunk again?

...oh yeah.

My head felt as if a twenty-four hour construction site had decided to have a party with their drills. My throat felt as if I hadn't had a drink in days. And not to mention I stank of booze and sweat. I bet I looked beautiful.

(Note the sarcasm)

After a good half-hour of lying in bed I decided I needed to brave the world outside of my warm sheets, and swung out my bare-feet. Sitting up I squinted at the alarm clock on the cabinet as it read 11:07 AM.

"It's too early..." I muttered, before collapsing back down onto the soft mattress groaning to myself. I hated this part. Why couldn't God just let us be drunk in peace?! Was it too much to ask?  "...Coffee."

With the new thought of caffeine in my mind I managed to haul my heavy self up and shuffle dizzily out of the room, bumping into various pieces of furniture on the way. "Coffee..."

Reaching the door I leaned against it heavily in attempt to stop the spinning but ended up having a three minute snooze on the door frame standing up.

After snorting myself awake I stumbled towards the staircase grumbling to myself, slumping down the stairs with a groan on each step. I was never drinking again. It was official. I'd be the designated driver and Yvane could experience this torture.

"Morning your majesty." A voice suddenly greeted when I arrived at the kitchen, causing me to jump as I didn't notice he was there.

After swaying slightly on my feet I managed to blink away the fuzziness of my eyes just enough to identify the man standing near the stove who had his back turned away from me. Once I did my eyes widened slightly. He was talking to me?

I winced at the sudden intrusion of light from opening my eyes as I shuffled to the bar stool "What?"

"You know you act very royal when you're drunk."

Oh, no...

"...I didn't did I?" I groaned, hoping to God it hadn't happened again as I sat down on the bar stool. I had the terrible habit of thinking I was Kate Middleton when I was drunk; and unfortunately it was the topic of choice on most outings with my friends.

The sudden sound of the kettle clicking diverted my attention for a few seconds, making me realize that there were two mugs on the counter and boiled water ready. Chris moved away from the stove allowing me to get a glance at the food being fried on top before he poured the liquid into the cups and brought them over to the table which I was sat on, placing a green mug down in front of me.

"Just a little bit." He chuckled, before went back to the stove to tend to the food there. It was strange to see him up close for so long since he'd been avoiding me recently. Why the sudden change of heart...?

Adding some milk and sugar which were on the table I took a tentative swig of the hot liquid and sighed as the scorching coffee warmed my insides. Much better. "You should've just put me to bed..."

"Oh I did," He commented, sliding bacon and eggs onto two blue plates before turning off the electric stove. Coming over he sat down and slid a plate across, keeping the other for him, "But you got up twenty minutes later and started shouting for William."

I am such a weirdo.

"I sorry." I winced, holding back a chuckle as I thought about how I must've been. I bet Chris had his hands full with drunk Danny. She could be a bit of a handful, not only that but a massive flirt as well.

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