Chapter 11 -- ""Nothing is going to be sprouting out of anywhere."

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Chapter 11

Danny's POV

"Lousy... Mother... f*cker!"

"This is a joke, right?" I questioned in strained disbelief as Christopher kept trying to yank the door open, "We're not actually stuck in your cellar..."

"Well, unless you've got a power-drill hidden down your turtle neck then yeah; I'd say we were pretty stuck," He muttered in reply, giving one last tug before cursing loudly and stepping away. I stared incredulously as I watched him visibly begin to stress out, running a hand through his shaggy curly hair whilst continuing to mutter curses beneath his breath. I subconsciously began rubbing my arms in an attempt to combat the chill in the windowless room, all heat draining from my body only to rise to my face in a building sense of panic.

I'm locked in the basement with a flipping werewolf.

"Why the f*ck did you move the block?" He suddenly exclaimed, turning to glare at me in accusation whilst stepping away from the door. My panic was momentarily distracted by a spike of disbelieving anger as I returned his glare with my own incredulous one.

"Don't you try and turn this on me! Why have you got a cellar that locks itself from the outside?" I countered, pointing at the doorway with an equally as accusing gesture.

"Because we had a block to prop it!"

"Oh yeah, and what a fool-proof system that turned out to be!" Was my sarcastic reply, causing him to exclaim in annoyance before turning to stare at the door with a scowl. The room fell silent as we both seethed from the rather loud discussion that had just ensued, the space still reverberating from the volume. A few moments passed before I decided that this wasn't getting us anywhere. Taking a deep breath through my nose and closing my eyes, I began to attempt and think about this logically, "Okay, well... what do we do? Surely there's something we can do..."

It took him a second but he too eventually calm down, his scowl although present turning into a contemplating one, "Alright, where's your cell?"

I grimaced slightly, "Upstairs charging. Yours?"

His face fell, "Same."


He shook his head, turning to pace the room as he began going through our options, "Maybe Lucy will hear us? She's in, right?"

"No, she said she was going out with some friends for the night. Richard?" I replied, recounting what his sister had told me earlier and how she'd planned to stay the night at a friend's. Today would be the night that we were literally the only ones in...

A loud groan confirmed my fears, "I told him to go home. I gave him the rest of the day off."

"So you're saying that the next person to come to the house is Yvane, tomorrow morning?" I asked him to clarify, going over to the door myself and giving it a swift tug just to confirm my fears in concrete. It didn't budge.

"Looks like it."

"... mother f*cker," I cursed, kicking the door in frustration. It felt so nice I decided to give it another for good measure. And then another just for luck. It wasn't long before it escalated to a heated personal vendetta between me and the inanimate entryway.

"Alright, Rocky. Calm down. You're going to hurt yourself," He eventually intervened as I began essentially attempting to beat up the door. He stepped forward and gestured me out of the way, "Move. I'll give it another go."

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