Chapter 32 -- "Do I look like her f***ing mother?!"

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Chapter 32

Danny's POV

"Oh God, Danny-- Danny, what do I do?!  I don't know what do! Holy shit! What do I do?!"


"This is all my fault--!"

"Well you're not the one who got her preg--"


"Toby!" I finally shouted, managing to get the guy to calm down for a second while gaining scornful looks at passersby in the airport, "Listen, you're going to need to calm down--"

"Danny, a BABY is coming. A BABY!"

"No shit, really? I thought she was giving birth to palm-tree?!" I snapped sarcastically, panic of my own seeping in as I squeezed the phone in frustration. Jesus Christ, this guy is not good under pressure! "Okay, just explain to me what happened exactly."

The sound of deep, panicked breaths followed before he swallowed loudly and answered, "I-I don't know, Danny. Oh shit, it's all my fault. I-I shifted and--"

"-- You what?!"

"I couldn't help it! That dick Damien turned up with a f***ing gun! A gun, Danny! What am I meant to do, let him shoot the baby?!" He yelled back, sounding a mixture of panic, anger and sorrow.

Holding the bridge of my nose with my index finger and thumb, I dropped my head and squeezed my eyes shut while taking a deep-breath in defeat, "Toby, I get that you did it to protect her; but you've got to see where she's coming from with this. The guy she loves turns out to be a werewolf and she goes into labour on the same day; it's not exactly the most stable of situations. Now, are you sure there's no way of you getting in there?"

"No, I told you; Lilly threatened to castrate the entire ward, women and all, if I so much as step into her room. Security won't let me even breathe in her direction. I can't leave her Danny; I don't know what to do..."

"Alright, calm down! Keep trying to get in and I'll be there as soon as I can," I replied, looking up to where Chris stood watching me, the boarding gate behind him filled with a slowly moving line, "Chris and I are getting on a plane now. Sit tight."

"What else am I going to do?" He muttered, before a click and dial tone signalled the end of the conversation. Sighing, I threw my head back in frustration before stuffing my phone into the fresh, light brown trench-coat that Cody had given me in the car on the way here and slowly began making my way back to Chris.

We hadn't really spoken since the whole, you know, I'm the Big Bad Wolf that ate Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma incident. I mean, what can you say to that? The man that I was beginning to lov--, the man that I was beginning to care about, turns out to be the Big Bad Wolf; the wolf that has plagued the mind of children for centuries and according to Gretel, killed a small country's worth of people.

Now some individuals, some romanticists out there; would tell me to forgive and forget. That it was all in the past and you should only think about the future. That someone out there obviously had to be the Big Bad Wolf, and it just happened to be him. Heck, some people might actually call me a hypocrite and point out my list of the dead. However... this was different.

I had an armful of names,

He had a country's worth.

Even after all we'd been through, I couldn't over look this. I mean, how many innocent people had died under his hands? How many men, women... even children? I wouldn't know, I didn't know. And I probably wouldn't ever truly find out. What's the point of the truth when lying is so much easier?

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