Chapter 42 -- "You need it more than I do..."

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On with le story!

Chapter 42

2 years earlier

It had been around three weeks since I was first taken from my home-- three weeks of hunger, pain and awkward blood stains. I had officially had enough of merely sitting in an open barred cell, waiting for someone to come and drag me out only to beat me black and blue before dragging me straight on back. It was a routine I couldn't wait to break once I got out of here.

Which I most certainly would.

I was barely getting by at this point, the lack of food and water being the main reason for this. At first they brought me some weird mush twice a day-- something I immediately rejected due to fears which were confirmed when I found a half crushed pill poking from underneath the mash like meal. Since then, I'd been surviving on the chocolate bars-- or rather A chocolate bar.

About five days after being moved to my 'cell', I was sitting against the wall and staring out into the open bars when a guard dragged a limp woman by her arm into the vacant cell across from me; dumping her unceremoniously onto the filthy cement floor and making to leave.

"W--wait." The woman slurred, struggling to her knees and reaching out to the man as he locked the gate. "You promised."

"Right," He chuckled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a slightly melted Hershey's bar before tossing it towards the worn looking woman, "There ye are, slut."

She merely scrambled for the item of food which had fallen to the ground in front of her and clutched it to her chest for dear life, ripping open the packaging and taking a large urgent bite. The man spat at her and walked away, the woman taking no notice as she began devouring the bar.

This had been a regular occurrence up until this point, the woman having been here before me and yet to have spoken a word. In fact, the only time she did was when one of the guards came and took her away for, you know...

"What are you looking at?" She sneered, as I subconsciously licked my dry lips at the food in her hands. Half of it was already gone, but at that point I would've given anything for merely a bite.

She noticed my stare and looked down at the food, shaking her head and looking at me in warning, "I worked 'ard for this. You want some, all you gotta do is open yer legs like the rest of us. That's all it takes."

A weak smile graced my lips at her words, "I don't think they could cope."

She snorted, taking another two bites before finishing the bar whole. She then commenced to lick the wrapper clean before turning and stuffing it in a hole in the cracked wall behind her. Crawling to the corner of her cell and curling up into herself, "You ain't better than any of us."

"I know." Was my simple reply, as I began to doze off in another hunger blackout.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound and feel of rain pelting through the small open barred window in the top right hand corner of my cell-- the view outside being literally at grow level meaning that the majority of my cell was literally underground.

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