Chapter 18 -- "...FOR SPARTA!"

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Chapter 18

 "--And make sure it's on 325°F before you put the turkey in because otherwise it won't cook properly and we'll end up getting salmonella." Yvane repeated, directing me around the kitchen as I set up for tomorrow.

"Right Yvane its fine I've got it!" I stated, shutting the stuffed-to-the-brim fridge with a quiet thud. There wasn't a section of the shelves inside that big, electric box that wasn't consumed by sides or drinks. Yvane had really gone on all out when she went shopping yesterday.

"Are you sure? Is there anything else you need to know? You don't have to this--"

"Seriously just calm down woman I've got it!" I persisted, looking her dead in the eye.

She sighed, shutting her eyes in attempt to calm herself "Really?"

"Yes!" I practically yelled, slamming the knife that I'd been chopping veg with on the counter forcefully "...Now how long is the turkey meant to be in for again?"

"DANNY!" She screamed in frustration, as I ducked away laughing.

"I'm kidding I'm joking!" I cried, cackling as she huffed and started hitting me with the cook book she'd been holding.

"Well stop it! You're going to give me a heart-attack one day I swear!" She muttered, retreating to a good distance away.

"Sorry." I chuckled, collecting my bearings and straightening my shirt "But seriously, is the turkey big enough?" I asked sarcastically, looking at the 20 pound bird which I'd stuffed and battered. "I mean it's for eight people, isn't a pound each enough?"

"Believe me; we're going to need the extra meat. We usually each twice as much as humans and that's only the lower rankings-- let alone two alphas and a beta." She replied, grimacing slightly when looking at the poultry.

"...Is it that bad?"

"Worse." She replied, taking a sip of her tea that I'd made us both earlier. My hangover had all but disappeared after my consumption of coffee, aspirin and comfort food so I was practically as good as gold by two o'clock. And it was 4'o clock at the time so I was better than ever.

After making sure the turkey was covered in foil and everything was clean and what have you, we both made our way into the living room with our cups of tea where we found Grace sat smack bang in front of the telly watching Disney channel hugging Max who was lying lazily next to her like a teddy.

"How's my favourite daughter?" Yvane cooed, placing down her mug quickly onto the coffee table and making baby noises while going over to lift the two year-old. Max carried on to lie there lazily, his face smooshed against the floor. Lazy dog.

Once we'd all settled back onto the sofa with Grace on Yvane's lap staring intently at the telly and my knees folded underneath my arse facing them, a glint suddenly appeared in the black woman's eye.

"So... wanna tell me what happened between you and Chris this morning?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows and shifting to face me.

"...I don't know what you mean." I replied, acting dumb as I took an overly-long gulp of my tea. It was my new favourite mug that I'd bought yesterday, about twice the size of a normal mug which made me love it even more as I felt like a giant when holding it.

God I'm weird

"Oh no don't give me that, Lucy told me what she walked in on so spill! And no skipping the good bits!" She smiled cheekily, winking at me as she did.

I made an astonished amused face "Are you a closet romantic Mrs Santares?"

"TELL ME!" She begged, giving me a puppy dog face pouty lips and all.

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