Part 2

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"Raven, sweetheart, come on, its time to get up for the day"

Raven? Yep. That was my creative name that I came up with for myself; luckily there wasn't a pigeon nearby when I had to think on the spot for a new name. I figured if I was on the run or in hiding, telling people my real name or what pack I was from wasn't the smartest thing to do.

"Mhmm, not now *yawn* it's too early"

Even though Melody's voice was very calm and chilled, no one ever wanted to get up when they were exhausted. I just brought my arm up to cover my face and snuggled back into my sleeping bag.

"You don't even know what time it is you freak"

And then there's Liam's voice, yeah. Unfortunately when we managed to bond over the first few months, we picked up this annoying brother and sister relationship, he called me freak, and he ended up with the name moron. Not the sort of names you would expect to be chosen by a 20 and 25 year old. But that's what happened.

"Just shut it you moron"

I open my eyes in time to see Melody lightly face palm herself, while quietly trying to say to herself:

"How on earth was I already mated and pregnant by his age?"

To be fair, I think she missed all this while being forced to go rogue. She told me she loved working in the paediatric ward, as she loved working with children and wanted to make them all better as nothing was more satisfying as that. Not that I could understand that, who wants to listen to crying children for hours on end, not me!

"Right kids, up, now"

The voice of the group, Andrew. Leader of our mini pack, the one who takes no shit. He was born rogue, and has the attitude to match. He's ruthless and cunning, and also the biggest pansy going, but only when it comes to his mate. As he's the most experienced out here, it only seemed natural that he would take charge. Liam and I instantly get up and get ready for the day; we don't need to deal with an irritated Andrew.

Breakfast was always the best thing to help me wake up. It's not the sort of traditional breakfast you'd get in the pack house, but food was food, and out here you either eat or starve. Not a problem for me, I was happy with anything, except when Liam tries to steal my portion, apparently it was bad manner to steal food, and even worse manner trying to punch the said person who done the stealing in the first place. But we came to a mutual understanding after that. He sat on one side of the fire, and I on the other, that way he couldn't be sneaky.

After breakfast was done, we tidied up and got ready to head down to the stream. That was the other thing I really missed, hot water. Its ok at the moment, its summer, the cool water is refreshing, but in a few months time the weather will take a turn for the worse, and that's when we'd be on the move again, to warmer climates, or warmer than it is now.

Life here was simple, we had a schedule to keep, we very rarely got time to just sit back and relax as everyone was counting on each other to do their duties to help keep the little pack running. And if we didn't we answered to Andrew – apart from Melody of course.

And now was my favourite part of the day. Hunting. It may sound silly, but it is what our wolves are for, long before we became modernised, this is what our ancestors used to do to obtain food and my wolf loved it!

It was also Andrew's favourite part of the day, because it was when Liam and I were the quietest. Today's food choice was deer, in my honest opinion, one of the best meats to eat, rabbit was alright, I just preferred the bigger animals. This was also a hunt which at least 4 of us had to take part in. We could easily do it with just 3, but we never left anyone alone out here. This was Rogue territory after all, and just because we were a nice group, it didn't mean everyone out here was.

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