Part 31

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"Do I have both your permission?"

The Lycan and I both nod our heads. As much as I don't want to willingly agree to anything, I feel like I'm running out of time for my pups. I need to be able to hold on for as long as I can. I don't want to lose them.

"Ok, let me go and grab everything"

Clive rushed out the room and quickly returns with everything he believes he needs. But there is something we didn't agree too. Grant is standing beside him, with an armed guard.

"You honestly think, they will just sit there and let us in there to take samples? Have you lost your mind?"

"I'm telling you the truth, they both agreed to it"

"I'm not saying they don't understand what you're asking. But have you seen the state of the walls? She probably won't put up much of a fight, but he will rip you apart in seconds"

"Yes, I will"

"We need to help her. We can't just let her die like the other ones. Zoey's gone too far now. I'll go in there myself if I have too"

I'm actually impressed with the courage that Clive shows towards his two colleagues. He's truly standing up for what he believes in, and he's trying to help me. Even if it's to keep me alive until the pups are born. But I'll take what I can get.

"Ok, but you two, we need some ground rules" Grant says before he looks over to us two. "The big guy is to bring her to the front of the cell and place her in the cage-"

The Lycan lets out a growl before shaking his head. He point to me, before pointing to the floor. The message is clear. I'm to stay in the cell with him. We are not being separated.

"Ok how about this? He places her at the front of the cell, and the male goes to the back"

Good idea Clive. The Lycan nods his head. It's something we can all agree on. He manages to pick me up with ease. And I still get to remain in my blankets as they're coming with me. He gently lowers me down, before standing to his full height. And it clearly intimidates the others. He folds his arms across his chest, waiting for something.

"Alright, you need to move back, so we-"

Again he cuts Grant off with a growl, rocking his head sideways saying no. He uncrosses his arm and lifts one finger. Only one person is allowed in. He points in Clive's direction. And then back to the floor.

Good luck Clive. He's chosen you to come in. I just hope you can focus on what your doing and not stab me a thousand times while looking over my shoulder to the Lycan.

"Ju-just me?"

Yes Clive, just you. It was your idea, and you only said a moment ago that you'd come in here and do it yourself. But that was before the armed guard wasn't allowed in.

"Okay, okay ... I'll do it"

Clive begins picking everything that he'll need up again. I look over my shoulder towards my Lycan, I bare my teeth at him and let out a little growl. Not loud enough for Clive to hear, but more than loud enough for him. He is NOT to hurt Clive. Hell he's not even allowed to look at him and frighten him.

"I promise to stay here, but if they try and do anything that wasn't agreed. I will retaliate!"

My stomach gives out a painful contraction. The Pups move around far too much these days. That's what I like to tell myself. But realistically I don't think I've been pregnant long enough for them to be at that stage in their life. But then I also wouldn't know, because were not meant to give birth like this.

Only time will tell. I will either make it to a delivery date or we won't make it at all. 

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