Part 18

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I was eventually wheeled back into my cell. But I was led in from the other door. The lycan and I not even seeing each other. With my dulled senses, I couldn't even tell if he was next to me or not. That night I got fed again. Three times in one day. Apparently being underweight is a good thing here.

And that's all my life revolved round. Seeing Clive walk in with food for me. I was left alone, to do whatever I wanted in my small box. I don't know how long I was left without having to come out. It could have been days, weeks, time has no meaning anymore. The more time went on the more I could feel my human side slipping, I still couldn't shift back to human. The wolf in me was slowly taking over.

The only thing I wanted was food. I noticed quite quickly that I was putting weight on, but eating two to three times a day without any exercise would do that to any wolf. It was all I craved.

It's when we got to day – I don't know. That Clive returned with food, and that dreaded cage.

"It's ok, nothing to worry about, just a little check up to make sure you're ok"

I noticed a little while ago, that Clive became slightly braver round me. It was either that or I learned that if I growled that Clive wouldn't come near me at meal times. And I wanted feeding.

Food - It didn't take long for me to willingly get in the cage and devour the duck that I was given. It tasted a little bit funny, but food is food and I don't have the luxury of picking out what I want myself.

By the time I finished eating and licking absolutely everything off my paws I realised that I was already in the second lab. Dr Anderson and Zoey were already there looking over some notes. I then released a yawn that was building up. Obviously I didn't sleep to well last night.

"Ahh #11 lovely to see you again" shame the same cant be said for you doc

"And how has she been Clive"

"Yes she's been very well. She's eating a lot more like you recommended and has been responding well to the supplements that have been put on her food"

What supplements? Another yawn comes out. God I'm tired today, maybe they won't mind me laying down, I mean I'm not exactly apart of their conversations. As soon as I'm down my head immediately goes down to the floor.

Grant walks into the room, to come next to me. I can't even lift my head I'm so tired.

"I see the new sleeping pills I developed have done wonders for her. She might be easier to manage now, and won't need to be sedated heavily all the time"

"Excellent Dr. Grant. Zoey since you done the initial procedure would you mind leading on this and checking her stats, I'm already behind on packing and need to be leaving within the hour"

"Of course Dr. Anderson, I'll even update her file for you"

God she's such an arse licker. Even with my eyes half closed I can see that. They both shake hands before he leaves the room. Grant bends down to my cage, and takes a muzzle out of his pocket.

"Sorry sweetheart, but we don't need any accidents today"

He opens the front of the cage and places it around my jaw, and checks it's firmly secured.

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