Part 28

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You know when you watch a really great movie and if you blink you feel like you'll miss something? My eyes kind of feel like that now, except if I blink I'm going to be mauled.

"You need to get in the blankets, your getting too cold sitting out here"

What I need is to get away from you! And get out of this place in general!

"Please, just get in them; I don't want to force you"

Cold – yes, I think we already know that.

The lycan lowers his head and lets out a small huff. What is he up to?

"Please forgive me"

What? Forgive what? He lifts his head up and his eyes lock on to me. And he begins closing the distance. I have no time left to decide, I try to run and get past him. I dart to the left of him, but he's far too quick for me and he manages to grab me. I cry out the most horrified scream I've ever done, I scream for my life. In my panic I try to fight back. I swing my head round and try to bite the hand that grabbed me. In my shock I manage to grab on to his arm, and I throw my head as much as possible to do any damage that will make him let go.

"What do we do?" Clive calls out to someone

"We wait" no Grant, get in here and help me! Clive? Anyone get in here and get me out. Please!

I keep shaking my head, my teeth getting deeper and deeper, drawing more blood. The lycan bends down and scoops me up off the floor with his free arm and holds me against his chest. I try thrashing my body, but he just holds me tighter preventing me from moving, but I hold my jaw as tight as it will go. He walks us slowly across the cell. When we get to the blankets he lowers us to the ground, before he uses his free hand to hold me against him. Keeping me still and unable to get away.

"What do we do now?" Clive asks again

"He's not hurting her, there's no need to do anything"

"But she's still got hold of him"

"Yeah she's scared, but he's not doing anything to her other than holding her still. Do remember what were dealing with here. I mean he might just be displaying his rank over her"

"And you think it's safe to leave her like that"

"Providing he doesn't hurt her, then yes"

"You can let go now"

Clive and Grants conversation fades out and I contemplate what the voice in my head said. If I let him go, he could hurt me more. But at the moment he isn't doing anything, and he can't let me go because I've got hold of him.

"Let, go of me!"

This is said with some force, it makes my mind hurt, and it makes me immediately unlock my jaw.

"Good, now try and get some rest, you used up too much energy pulling that stunt"

But instead of doing what I was told, I try and wiggle my way out. However the Lycan brings me gently back down to the blankets, before wrapping me up in them and holding me close to him.

"Your too cold to be up and about and on top of that you don't have the energy for it. Just go to sleep"

I look around the room as best I can. Clive and Grant have already left, and its then I notice that the lights are already off. They actually threw me in here and left. I thought they said they were going to make sure I was alright.

I can feel the seconds pass by. But nothing happens. No one moves. Seconds become minutes, and still no change. My mind plays tricks on me for hours. Every time the Lycans hold lessens I try to move, but he holds back on tight until I settle down again. The sun comes through the window before I finally pass out through exhaustion.

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