Part 11

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I wake up to the sound of buzzing. It sounds like the people are turning up for their morning at work. I'm still stuck in wolf form and can't even contemplate shifting back, it's literally like my body has forgot how to. Last night no one fed me, to say I was hangry this morning is an understatement.

"Ok guys, foods on its way round, you know the drill!"

Food? FOOD?! Oh Clive, I never thought id be so happy to hear your voice. I hear doors opening and closing, he's nearly to my cell!

"Morning #11, your new here so ill explain the rul, AHH"

EAT! -Feed me this fucking instant! I am nearly half dead you moron! I try to climb the front, I haven't eaten in days, and its so close to me that its torture

"pl, please calm down. I pr-promise ill feed y-you, but you have to step back"

Calm down? Calm the fuck down?! I've been shot repeatedly, taken from my home, shoved in a tiny cage, muzzled, had to deal with imbeciles, drink funny looking water, staved for ages, and now there's food half a metre away from me, you want me to calm the fuck down!!

"I know your hungry, but we couldn't feed you last night because of the drugs still in your system, it could have made you really sick"

Escape -I can feel my wolf trying to take over my mind, she's getting really distressed, we begin snarling and growling, she's throwing us against the wall trying to get out,

"Please don't make me sound the alarm"

I want out of this shit hole! I don't care if I get hurt in the process, I don't want to be here anymore.

"What is all that noise? Sounds like feeding time at the zoo"

"It's nothing Justin, she's just upset"

He puts his hands to his ears, acting as if I'm deafening him.

"For god's sake, make it stop!"

He lifts his hand up to the side of my cage and hits something. The affect makes me howl for a new reason, the siren and bright red flashing lights make me run to the back to try and get away from it again. All of a sudden it stops again. It's so quiet I could hear a pin drop.

"There, all done, wasn't so hard was it mate"

I look in front of me, there a rabbit in here with me. I haul my body up so quickly, immediately forgetting everything that just happened to me. I leap at the rabbit and scoff it down so quick in case they try to take it from me. It barely sates my appetite, but it'll do for now.

"Jesus, how long did you starve it?" 

Justin looks at me with his mouth hanging open. Has he never seen a hungry wolf before?

"If you can keep that down for an hour, ill come back and bring you more"

I'll be waiting for you Clive!

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