Part 46

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Xander approaches the female doctor before offering his arm up to her. She is very swift in her job; the needle is placed in his arm quickly withdrawing the sample that she needs. She looks back in my direction again.

"Würden Sie sich freuen, wenn ich nur ein paar Blutproben nehme? Ich mache mir Sorgen, dass mit euch allen etwas nicht stimmen könnte, und ich möchte nur sichergehen, dass es euch gut geht"

"She's concerned for your health. One simple blood test like I just had done, then we can leave this room"

It did look pretty simple, and she was very quick about it. I don't think I would even be able to count to ten; she'd be done way before that. I exhale the air from my lungs, hoping to exhale the nerves with it. It obviously doesn't work, but I try my best. I nod my head towards her as I sit down. She comes over slowly, before kneeling down to my level. I offer my shaking paw towards her, as she places it on her leg. She takes a needle from her pocket. Just holding it in her hand, waiting patiently for me to calm down. I can feel my whole body begin to shake. My nerves getting the better of me. The doctors at the lab did more to my mental health than I realised. I am petrified of a small needle. The smell of the hospital sending my nerves into overdrive.

She pulls the cap of the needle and looks into my eyes before speaking calmly.

"Du machst das wirklich gut, ein kleiner scharfer Kratzer, und dann bin ich fertig"

"It's ok Raven. You can do this"

Y-yeah I can do this. I'm just going to shut my eyes and count back from a hundred and it'll all be done before I know it.

100, 99, 98- I swipe my leg away from the needle that pierced my skin, a cry releasing from my throat, not from pain, but fear. I back up as quickly as my legs can carry me, my head and back hitting the wall. Small sharp scratch my arse!

"Xander, I want to leave, now!"

He doesn't respond, but comes over to me picking me up and walking out the door swiftly. He doesn't stop until we are outside the pack house. He sits down on the ground holding me still. As I look round the grounds I notice that I'm hyperventilating. I'm having a panic attack. Still Xander says no words to me. He just holds me close and strokes my fur.

"Raven? I'm sorry that frightened you. I didn't realise that it would upset you that much. If you don't want to go back in there I won't make you"

This time it's me who doesn't respond. I just shiver in his arms. I want to be a better mate. But I think it will take me a while to forget my experience.

I just need to breathe, slow myself down. In and out.

"Xander? I want to leave this pack. I don't feel safe here"

"Are you going to feel safe in any pack though? We've been through a traumatic experience, that's for sure. You just need to readjust to a bigger pack environment is all, it's going to take a long time, but we will get there. Together"

Why is he so good with words? He knows the right things to say to settle me down. It just seems to come so naturally for him.

"We will have to stay for the night, but if you're really not happy here I can try and push for a flight tomorrow evening?"

I just need to make it till then. If I'm able to actually get to sleep it will pass quite a few hours. And I would like to know the others blood results, to maybe find out why we can't shift back yet. Or if they could give us a time frame to find out when our system will burn through it. It's going to feel so weird walking on two legs again; so many things were going to have to rethink. Like clothes, eating with a knife and fork. Even using a glass for a drink of water. So many simple things that I used to take for granted. I will be practically be restarting my life. But I can at least do this with my mate.

Maybe it won't be that bad. Maybe I will adjust with time. Maybe, just maybe, I will finally be happy there, with him. I can't actually wait to find out. 

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