Part 43

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I've always wanted to go to Italy, but I wanted to go on holiday and relax. Not attempting to escape the country like some fugitive on the run. I know I wanted to get away from the experiments, but that seems excessive.

"Xander? Why are we going to Italy?"

It just seems like a long way to go. Especially when he said his pack is based in Russia. You'd think he would travel straight there

"My parents are currently there. They were heading up the search in the south looking for me, so we will travel to them, before heading back to Russia"

Wow. His parents are searching the globe for him, and I couldn't even get anyone to find me as a rogue. His parents must be high up in the werewolf world. Or Lycan world should I say. Xander is the first Lycan I met, so I don't know much about his species as I missed the study of them at school.

Xander begins to walk us over to a convoy of vehicles. Multiple vans, Lorries and a few cars. Each one already appears to have a driver.

"Unfortunately, you're going to have to ride in the lorry for me. My Lycan is feeling a bit on edge about being separated from you again, and I'm much too large to fit in the van"

Being locked in a lorry doesn't sound like a bad idea. Being locked in a tight space, in the dark, with nothing to see, sounds dreadful. I don't think I can do it; it's like being locked up in the lab at night. Ill hear too many noises, noises that I don't know what they are. I can already feel myself being to panic, begin to hyperventilate. I can't do it, I won't do it.

"You'll be okay raven. I'll hold you the whole way, nothing will happen to you with me there"

It's not him that worries me. It's the dark. Being in a strange place, with no reference points. But I'm too scared to admit it. I've been nothing but weak since we've met, how could I admit that the dark and the unknown now scare me.

"It will be 10 minutes. I can have them place lights in there if it will make you feel better?"

If the whole thing it lit up, maybe ill be ok. I won't know unless I try, I decide to trust him. If I really panic, I know he will look after me, like he promised. I nod my head towards him, accepting his arrangement

"Okay. I trust you" and there's not many that I have said that too.

When I look back towards the lorry, there are two men already placing lights in. the whole box beginning to light up. He must be psychic. There is no way he could have known what I was thinking. Unless my wolf and I are that easy to read.

Four lights are placed inside. I can see everything. There are no dark places where anything can hide. Xander waits for me to finish my assessment before I let him know that I'm ready for us to get in. He very slowly lifts me up and places me at the edge, before climbing up, and moving us towards the back. He sits down, with me comfortable next to him. My head placed over his leg, looking for reassurance. Xander places his hand over my back, ever so gently stroking my fur. It really helps settle me.

"We're ready to move out"

The door is slowly lowered, before I hear the lock go on. I feel my hackles go up, I'm unsettled already. Xander doesn't restrain me, he just keeps his cool. I can hear his slow and steady breathes, he's not stressing. His hand continues to try to relax me, silently asking me to calm down.

I look around. The lorry is brightly lit. I'm not in a cell or a cage. I have Xander by my side, already looking after me. I just need to settle down. Slow my heart and lungs. Nothing is happening in here. I just need to keep my cool for 10 minutes.

Just count to three

One... two ... three ... and breathe.

I can do this. 

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