Part 35

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I don't know how many days it's been since I've been marked by a Lycan. At a guess, I'd say 4. But the stomach pains are back with a vengeance. I'm in a constant state of pain. And because the pain I was feeling wasn't enough, the contractions I feel are horrendous. It makes me feel sick. I can no longer keep any food down, even when Xander offers me a small piece of food. It just comes back up, making me feel worse.

Even water is hard to keep down. I need so much water, as I feel so hot. My body and limbs feel like they're on fire. I pant hard to try and keep my fever down. It's making my heart beat sporadically. Wasting more precious energy, which I don't have.

I am exhausted. I don't know how much longer I can keep going. My body is going to give out soon; it really can't go on like this.

Clive was brave again yesterday; he managed to get me on another drip. But Xander really struggled to keep himself back. He wants to stay next to me, try and comfort me in anyway that he can. But we both know time isn't on my side. Something is going to have to give. My body or the life of my pups. I will hold on as long as my body can. I can't let them down.

No one knows how long a werewolf should be in gestation for. It's never been done. It's not normal. In human form I would be expected to carry for 6 months.

"It's ok Raven, just slow your breathing, and try to relax"

I need to stand. I need to be sick again so I try my best to get up. Xander knows I need more help now and so he's always next to me, ready to give me a helping hand

Pups? – My wolf has been more and more concerned for them. We're desperate to try and keep them alive.

Throwing up isn't a glamorous thing. I actually feel sorry for myself. My poor mate, having to put up with me in this state. I bet he feels like he made a right mistake marking me. He doesn't even really know me. He probably just marked me because of our pups.

"Stop thinking those thoughts"

When I finally finish gagging, as there's nothing left in my stomach to throw up, I feel my legs begin to wobble. But Xander is right there to catch me before I collapse on the floor. In a strange way, I kind of like being looked after. It shows that he would be a great provider for our family. And I need that right now.

Xander carries me over to our automated water supply. As much as I really don't want any, I need to keep my fluids up. He doesn't drink though. It's been 2 days since he stopped drinking. I want to ask him why, but I don't want him to get angry at me for being nosey. He has never been angry at me the whole time I've known him, even when I bit him, he never said anything bad. But I worry. I don't want to lose him. We need him.

I finish what I need, and he returns us to our nest. He places me as gently as he possible can in the middle of it, before slotting in behind me. He makes sure he's close enough to comfort me, but not too close so I don't get over heated.

We just lay in silence together. We don't communicate often; we just try and be strong for each other. Occasionally I'll let out a whimper when I can't hold it in anymore. But hes right there with a soothing hand to my stomach to try and rub the pain away. It helps, but barely. The contractions are getting worse by the minute.

It's then the weirdest sensation comes over me. It makes me stand up as quickly as my body can. I feel so disorientated.

"Raven, what's wrong?"

Something's not right. Xander gets straight up and comes next to me, supporting my body.

"I don't know"

I feel so strange, I feel like I need to ...

Its then I feel it. I've wet myself. I look round to the floor behind my legs. Its not wee I see though. Its blood.  

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