Part 17

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"Hey! Everyone just needs to calm down!"

Calm down? Calm the fuck down? Can Justin not see the size of this Lycan? Ive never met one in my life, its trying to break the barrier between us down, and he wants me to sit down, shut up and calm down. He is out of his mind!

Fight- yeah I agree, if I'm going down, I'm going to go down fighting. I'd rather go in a fight to the death than to run, I'm tired of running, running got me into this mess in the first place. My wolf has been nagging me for days about fighting back, and now I'm not sure if it was her pushing the ideas in my head or if it really is all me.

The lycan throws itself at the bars again, even the bars struggle to contain its immense power, it must be under some form of control, I don't have all my strength, so they must be keeping it under control someway. I feel like if it wasn't, one push and it would come straight out of that cell.

The lycan carries on going; I carry on growling and snarling back. Just as I release another growl, a crack appears in the side of the wall next to the lycans cell. Justin's face goes into shock, the colour leaving his cheeks; he's as white as a ghost. He runs up to the lycan before hitting the button next to it. Then the room flashes red, the alarm sounds. I try to cover my eyes and ears as best as I can, the noise rings so loud I feel like my ear drums will burst, the lights repeatedly flashing making me feel sick to my stomach.

"CODE RED! I REPEAT CODE RED! Get a darter in here now!"

I try to open my eyes to see what's going on, but the lights disorientate me so much, that I have to close them. The alarm goes on for ages. It stresses me and my wolf out to the max, she nearly contemplates hitting her head against the cage to stop the noise, but I manage to hold her back. She begins howling in my head, she can't take much more, she's distraught. She tries fighting me for control, she wants to noise to stop, and she doesn't care how.

Then it all stops. It's silent. I slowly open my eyes to see what's happened. There are armed people everywhere. I look over to the lycan, it's flat out on the floor.

Dr Anderson and Zoey are in the room with them. She looks horrified. She shakily picks her walkie talkie up before messaging someone.

"Ge-get someone down here to fix this. Now."

"Would someone mind telling me what happened?!" the doctor shouts out, looking to no one in particular. The men look about each other, concern written on all their faces.

"I don't know what happened. As soon as they see each other, they just went mental"

Now that everything has settled, I realise that my whole body is shaking, I can't catch my breath, and my heart feels like its going to come out of my chest. Clive enters the room before running over to me. Dr Anderson takes a look at me before issuing his orders.

"Clive get her out of here, do whatever you need to keep her calm! Do not let her stress out, she cannot loose the product. The director would have my head for it!"

I'm wheeled out of the room as fast as Clive can get us. As soon as we get out of there we head down corridors in a different direction to earlier. Where on earth are we going now? This place is so big I'm surprised no one gets lost.

"Ok just wait here one second"

Erm clive. I'm in a cage. It's physically impossible for me to move from this spot. He looks at me strangely before replying

"Yeah kinda silly for me to say"

I think if I could face palm myself then he would have understood. He quickly disappears into the room, before coming out with something I haven't seen in a long time. Seeing this in front of my face instantly makes me forget what just happened.

Clive it holding the juiciest piece of meat I've ever seen. All of a sudden I'm feeling hungry and I just want to eat.

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