Part 13

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I decided to have a change of heart. I thought my mind could be swayed with chicken, but it turns out it can't. Such a shame as I really wanted to take it, but I'm not an actual dog and don't do commands. I'm not really sure how long I sat at the back of my cell. It must have been a while before Dr. Anderson decided to make an appearance.

"Why are we waiting? Just have the thing knocked out so we can get on with it"

Clive lets out a sigh before he nods and then walks off.

"Listen here, you will do what your told, when you're told. We can make things very hard for you while-"

YAWN! Not interested! These other wolves might be push over's but I am certainly not. I don't care what their plans are but they can start by uninvolving me.

"Doc, I've given her just over a normal dosage as she seems to take more than the others"

"Good make sure she's sedated enough to restrain so no one gets hurt this time"

Clive lifts up a gun; I can see the liquid sitting in a bottle. I go right to the back of the cell. They're going to be able to shoot me anyway, I have no where to hide, and I can't get enough speed up to dodge. At least back here it'll be more for them to carry and inconvenience their day a tiny bit more.

It's not hard for Clive to hit me. I don't even flinch when the dart goes in. I instantly take it out of my shoulder and crush it between my teeth. Just to make my point a bit clearer of my displeasure at being here.

Escape – we can't. Just because there's only a few people in this room doesn't mean there aren't thousands in the next.

I feel my body sway and my eyes blinking a bit more. A yawn escapes me. 

"Ok head in and load her up"

My eyes can't pick up who braves it and enters the cell. I go to take a step forward to move, but my legs feel like jelly and I stumble to the floor.

"There, there old girl, nice and steady"

Old?! Who the fuck are you calling old? I'm only 20

The strange man, places a muzzle over my face. It will most extremely be needed, as when I wake up I swear all hell is going to let loose!

He then lifts up my front half, while someone else, who I didn't even see come in, lifts my back legs. I'm shocked that I'm picked up and placed down gently into the smaller cage. I suppose they did say were valuable, so I assume we can't be treated too much like shit. 

Once the door is closed, I'm wheeled off down the room and out into the corridor. I didn't even get to see any of the other wolves as I was led the other way. Even though I don't know them, I think it would have given my wolf some comfort to see her own kind. She's been acting up a little bit more recently, which I completely understand. 

It takes awhile to get to our destination. Through some very long and windy corridors, like a complete maze. There are so many people here. People dressed either as doctors or army people. I only stop staring at people when we come to a stop at two big doors that Dr. Anderson has to put a key card in for it to open.

As the doors open, I have a look inside. This one seems more like a lab. There are more machines, and more doctors working in here that what I'm used to seeing from my cell. But there's one man who stands out the most. A man in a black suit.

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