Part 49

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A/N- Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lack of update. I have been very unwell recently and have been having tests run while in hospital. Due to this, updates will be a little bit slower than normal for a bit. Please be nice and bare with me.

My non-existent bags are already packed. I forgot to bring my big suitcase when I left home so ill just have to settle with no packing and carrying myself. Xander was much smarter. He made sure to get a member of his pack to bring some spare clothes, so that when we all eventually shift back, we wouldn't be exposing ourselves to the elements.

Xander also gave the other wolves a choice. If they wanted to stay in Germany, go home to their country of origin; come with us down to Italy, then over to Russia. Or if they wanted to completely relocate to wherever they wished. Not surprisingly they all chose to go to their original home. Xander said he would take care of everything for them. they would all be taken to their destinations and be checked out by which ever doctors they wished, just to be monitored until they could shift back and forwards as they would normally be able to.

So the only ones stuck in wolf form on the plane would be myself, Xanders friend Everett and obviously Xander in his Lycan form. Due to his Lycan form still causing him problems, we couldn't fly on a normal plane. We would have to use one that could accommodate for Xander's size, and his military type personnel.

Which is also the reason why were travelling in the lorry again. I didn't particularly like travelling in this a few days ago, but I just have to tell myself that it won't be too long and it's getting me further away from the lab.

It didn't take us too long to arrive at the private airport. The place was swarming with armed guards. Nothing would be taken for granted this time. Its only when we come to a stop near the plane, do I really take a look around. The whole place looks like a military compound. There are hundreds of guards. How does Xander even know this many people, let alone have this many in a pack. My fathers pack wouldn't have even had half the numbers. Maybe Russia didn't have as many packs? And they were spread out over a larger area? Bigger territory? Either way, they were very respectful of his presence. No one got in his way, and anyone who came near stopped and slightly bowed their head before they moved on. No one even looked at his face or said a word. Very strange indeed. I felt very intimidated.

"Remember what I said. It's just a two hour flight down to Italy"

That's right. Xander kept reminding me of the time. He picked up pretty quickly of my nervousness of enclosed spaces. I didn't have claustrophobia but after being stuck in a cage, it brings about negative emotions, obviously. I wanted to be outside, not stuck between 4 walls

This wasn't going to be a brilliant or easy flight for me. It's not like in human form when we can sit down and be secured in. with us stuck in our wolf and lycan form, we were too big, especially Xander for normal seats. We were going to have to go in the cargo hold. Which considering this looked like a military aeroplane, there would be plenty of room? This made me feel slightly better.

Xander led the way while I gingerly followed. It didn't take him long to find us a place to sit, and get comfortable for the journey. I decided to lie down and rest my head against Xanders leg; I just needed that contact to keep me relaxed.

"Добро пожаловать на борт вашего-"

(Welcome aboard you-)

The voice announces over the speaker, but is quickly cut off. I have absolutely no idea what he said let alone what language he's speaking. What's going on? I lift my head to look at Xander. He's communicating with someone.

"The weather is perfect for flying. It will be under two hours to reach our destination"

Less than two hours sounds even better. I can't wait to be away from this country. I won't be having a return journey here anytime soon. 

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