Part 4

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First instinct. Panic!!

Second. Run!

Third. Hide!

Fighting for me isn't on the agenda at the moment. I don't know what I'm fighting, and just because I thought there were 6, don't mean there isn't more elsewhere.

Liam and I make a break for it. Him running to the right, while I take my chances to the left. This is something Andrew taught us, to split up, confuse them, and then regroup. However this is the first time I've ever had to do this for real, and without Andrew.

"Split up, Alpha team on the Red, Bravo team to the White"

Alpha? Bravo? What the fuck is this? Who are these guys?

I'd rather not stick around to find out, by the sound of it there's more than one group, so who knows how many there actually are. All I know is the Alpha team is after me, and I'm not going to be captured.

I push my already tired body to the max, maybe we shouldn't play games anymore, when I meet up with Liam, I will firmly suggest the idea. We clearly need to be ready at all times. I run harder, my lungs sucking in oxygen as much as it can, I need to create distance before I find a place to hide. But in running more, I move further away from the group, if I need help I will be the furthest away, but I can't lead them to the group. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to them.

Instantly I slam on the breaks, everything's gone quiet. There's no movement. I'm being stalked, and I don't like it. I need to make a decision. Keep running or hide.

The decision comes to me instantly.

"Eyes on target"

I sprint off. For the next 15 minutes I don't slow down. I've no idea how long I've been trying to get away, I've no idea the distance I've travelled, the only thing I do know, is I'm going to have to find somewhere to hide to catch my breath back.

It's only then, I find out that I've made a grave mistake. I've run too far to a place I'm not familiar with, I don't know the terrain, and it let's me know I've made a bad choice when I come to the bottom of a cliff. I could scale it, just about, but it would give whatever is chasing me time to catch up. That's time I can't afford. I'll have to come back and find a way to come round. Shit, shit, shit!

I just about get into a stride, when I feel an object pierce my back leg, as I stop and look back I see a dart sticking out of me. I grab it with my teeth quickly and rip it out, making me howl internally. The dart had a thick barb on, and has ripped my skin, and damaged the inside of my muscle. I throw it on the floor. Whatever the fuck was in this thing didn't all go in.

"Red has been hit. I repeat Red has been a hit, all teams on my coordinates"

All teams? Hell no. Time to get going.

It's then I know what was in the dart. My whole body goes woozy. My head spins. I feel like I'm going to topple over and I haven't even stepped forward yet.

"I thought you said it'd been hit"

"It had, fucking thing ripped it out"

My eyes blink rapidly, I must stay awake. My whole body sways, I must keep on my feet.

"How is it still on its feet?"

My back legs give up, my bottom crashing to the floor. I can't go over, I must keep fighting.

"How much sedation did you give it?"

"The same that the others had, it took them down in seconds"

"Can you give it anymore?"

"Not as much as we gave the big guy! It's barely half his size"

"Wait, wait! Hit it again its trying to get up!" 

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