Part 32

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"Once you're in there, the cell will have to be locked. We can't risk him getting loose in the compound. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I do"

Clive is basically signing his life away to the armed guard. They are saying that if my Lycan turned on him to attack, that no one would come in to save his life. Is that really how much Clive is appreciated here? That no one would risk their life, or even attempt to help him. If my Lycan tried to attack him, I think I would at least try to save him, not that I would be much help in my current state.

The guard opens the door, and Clive swiftly steps inside. The door is locked. Everyone just seems to freeze for a moment. He takes a deep breathe before slowly walking over to me. Although he walks in my direction, his eyes are firmly planted behind me.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I can hear the panic coming from his words. Please don't have a breakdown on me now Clive. The pups and I are counting on you.

He manages to settle in front of me, but his eyes still remain on my Lycan.

"Okay. I'm going to draw some blood first. Is that alright?"

I nod my head, but I know it's not my approval he's waiting for. I would try to turn my head to look, but I don't want to frighten him anymore than he already is. Clive holds my leg and pulls it into a straight position so he can take the sample. He's obviously done this before; he finds my vein on the first go and draws my blood. He then places the cap over the needle before putting it in his tray.

"Alright that's done. Now I need to get some fluids into you. Am I ok to proceed?"

Again he looks behind me. Looking for confirmation from the beast that could end his life in literally a few seconds. He nods his head slowly. Clive reaches into his tray again, grabbing hold of the intravenous fluids, before grabbing the needle. With clear precision he gets it in first time and wraps the needle in place to stop it falling out. Although this needle hurt a little bit more, I wouldn't dare show any form of pain. Clive's life could literally depend on me being as pain free as possible. He lifts the bag of fluid up, and slowly begins to stand up. he gives the bag a gentle squeeze every now and again. A few minutes seem to go by before he kneels back down.

"That's finished. Now I'm going to remove the drip and bandage you up, then I'm all done"

He removes it, and adds padding and a blue paw print bandage to my injection site. Blue paw prints? How ironic. If I wasn't feeling so shit, I think I would have had a little internal giggle to myself.

He picks up the tray that contained everything he used, and stands up very slowly and backs away. Clive doesn't draw his eyes away from my Lycan. In fact he just walks backwards until he hits the cell wall. As soon as the door opens, he makes a quick escape. And the doors lock goes back on.

I can hear talking in the background from the three men, but I'm not paying attention to that. All I care about at the moment is getting back to my hot spot and trying to keep warm. My Lycan comes over and gently scoops me up before returning to our original spot. When were settled down, I do something I don't think I would have done before. I snuggle closer. I tell myself its because of the warmth, but I think its more for my wolf. I think she likes the attention from him. And the thought that he could provide and look after our pups. That little thought makes my stomach go a bit funny, but it's not from them moving, it feels like little butterflies moving around. I quickly ignore the thought, it's not my feelings. It can't be. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit queasy. Maybe a quick nap might help me recover my senses?

"How dare you go behind my back!"

Did I fall asleep? I feel like it just blinked and everything changed. How on earth could I miss Zoey and her stupid heels walking across the room? When did Clive and the guard leave?

"What did you want us to do? Just leave her there to die?"

"That's not your call. I'm in charge here"

"Well you're doing a shit job at it! Two of the females have died since you've been here! And she's going to die too if we don't hurry up and fix it"

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