Part 40

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Run and hide? Yeah I can do that. Even a toddler can play hide and seek. But they're not running for their life, or trying to dodge people who are out to kidnap them and run science experiments on them.

I try to use my senses, but I cant, I'm in such a blind panic that I just weave between the trees, looking for any space that I can hide. I have no idea where I am, I don't even know if I'm in the same country, or if there are any packs that label this territory as their own.

I just run in the opposite direction, away from the building, and away from the firing weapons. The stomach cramps will have to wait. I don't have time to waste; I need to find a good hiding space.

I think I'm running in a straight line, but I have no reference point, I just try to keep my eyes forward and focus on a point, but it's getting harder, the trees are getting thicker, preventing me from when I think I need to go. I make many diversions to get round, but I'm starting to slow down. My stomach is hurting, and I can't keep going for much longer, I need to find a place to hide, and I need it now. I make another attempt to climb over a massive boulder, which I just slipped down, but it's too hard, I need to look for another way round. As I pace the line, I find a gap under the bushes, its big enough that I can squeeze under, and I can see a small bit of moon light shining through. Something has already been through here, and it's helped me out so much. I lie down, and start to crawl through as best as I can. When I'm clear of the prickly bushes, I try to stand, but my back legs struggle, they begin to shake uncontrollably, my panting increases even more, and I feel so hot.

I look to my right, there's nothing but a build up of more trees and rocks. I look to my left, there's nothing there but more boulders. I take my chance on the left, and follow the line along. I try to walk as fast as I can, I just cant' run anymore, I'm not stable on my feet enough to try a faster pace.

Up ahead I see a miracle. A small entrance to a cave. I walk up cautiously, I don't know if anything is living in it already or if it's unoccupied. I pray for the last option. I just need to lay low for a while and recover a bit. The cave doesn't appear to have any recent scent to it. And it's not that deep either, more than enough space for me to get in and get out of the wind.

I tuck myself round the corner, out of view from the front. I concentrate on my breathing, I need to calm down, I feel exhausted. I try counting. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... now that I've stopped moving, I can feel the pain in my stomach, my back legs feel numb, how did I even make it this far out?

No stomach cramps, we don't have time for this, were not in a safe place, we can't deliver the pups here. I need help; I can't do this on my own! The blood continues to leak out. My body is telling me to push, its contracting more quickly. I need to start pushing; I need to get the pups out. But what if it's too soon? What if they're not ready to come out?

My body doesn't give them the chance, they are coming now, whether I like it or not. I push, hoping for the best, just doing what feels naturally. Every time my body feels ready, I push again.

"Please, someone help me"

I don't know who I'm calling out for, just anyone who can listen, someone who can hear my plea.

I push harder, the pain becoming unbearable, something feels wrong. I try and adjust my position, anything to make myself more comfortable, and easier to deliver. But nothing seems to work; all that I've achieved is more blood coming out. This is really not normal.

I give another push, my body collapsing to the floor, I roll onto my side, pushing again, no matter how hard I try to keep quiet, I cant stop the whimpers from coming out.

With another push, I get what I want. The first pup comes out, very quickly followed by the second. I take a quick gulp of air, thankful that the ordeal is over. I feel like I could sleep for a week after that. I lean over to look at my pups.

They're not moving

No sounds calling to their mummy

My wolf immediately takes over, using her natural instincts; she begins cleaning them, trying to get them to breathe, trying to get any response out of them. My mind is in a constant state of panic, I try and try. Nothing seems to work. I don't want to think of the worst. But reality has already chosen that for us.

My pups are already dead. 

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