Part 21

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"You're not going mad you know"

I've gone mad, I knew this would happen

"Being a Lycan gives me the opportunity to communicate with all werewolves"

No, no, nope. He's not in my head. It's just my sub consciousness making all this bullshit up. It must be the early stages of going feral. I've not heard a presence in my head for over maybe 3 years now; depending on how long I've been here.

"I know you can't speak back to me, but I know you're carry my pup"

It must be the drugs they gave me, yeah that's it. They probably used me as their guinea pig again, way to go guys, send the pregnant she wolf crazy.

"My name is Xander, my friend next to me is Everett. We are from a pack that currently resides in Russia. My men are out looking for us. They should find us soon"

He's only talking to me because of the pups. He wouldn't have bothered otherwise; he's not been bothered up to this point. It's all in my head anyway, once I sleep it off, my brain should function normally again. Hopefully.

I wander to the back of my cell. I gulp down loads of water. It tastes different this time. More bitter. Looks like they've already started changing my diet. I don't know anything about Lycan pregnancies, but the fact they're larger than werewolves, I assume I'm going to need more of everything if they expect me to deliver not one, but two of them. So that must mean that Clive should be round to feed me soon, and I will be expecting extra now!


How many days has it been now? 10? Maybe 20?

I'm pretty much left to my own devices again. Nothing else happens to me for days on end. It's just me, Clive and the bucket of food that turns up. And god the food was good. I think I was even getting deer at one point. And with all that food, I thought it would have made a big impact on my body, but nothing really. My stomach was getting bigger, but my muscles were wasting away. The pups must be taking more from me than I thought they would.

I was allowed to have more blankets, which my body was thankful for. I was getting uncomfortable during the night. I even made a nice little pile in the middle of the room. It seemed to be where most of the warmth was, and I was away from the cold wall. But my body craved more heat. My body and my wolf were craving the Lycan next to me. She wanted him to share the pile of blankets with her. All I could put it down to was that he was the pups father. And she was getting lonely without a pack.

I had to accept what was happening. I was going to be a mother. There were no ifs or buts. My pups didn't ask to be created this way, and I had to get over what happened, I needed to start thinking of them. The wolf in me helped a lot; it was her mentality that was getting me through this. These were her pups and she was going to look after them. The human in me would never cope.

Its then I noticed Clive wheeling the cage over to my cell. It looked like I was going on another trip. I was probably going for another check up. As much as I hated going to see the two doctors, it was for the best interest of my unborn pups. So I willingly got in the cage, even when I really, really didn't want to. I was even rewarded for it. I knew the sleeping drug was on the food, but I didn't care, I was so hungry. The scientists wouldn't give it to me if it was going to kill me.

As my cage was being wheeled off, I could hear a wolf whining. It sounded a lot deeper than a normal wolf, the Lycan perhaps? Was he really calling out to me again? My wolf seemed to think he was, she was getting upset at leaving him, even if it was for the pups benefit.

I end up back in the same room as before. Both Dr. Zoey and Grant are there. Zoey looking all important with her clipboard, and Grant just glaring at her. They probably had another argument again.

The sleeping drug doesn't take long to kick in; within a few seconds of being down here I come over all tired. It's not very long before I lay down feeling exhausted.

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