Part 48

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My eyes open slowly; I feel very confused and tired. I don't really know what's going on. I look around the room, its dark in here, the curtains shut, but light does shine from the sun trying to get in from round the curtains. I appear to be the only person in the room. I'm back in the medical bay in the pack house. As I sit up I notice there's a needle sticking out of my arm that's been taped in place, it's connected to a drip. That will be coming straight back out. It could just be fluids, but I don't know for sure, I'm not taking that risk. I didn't agree to it, so therefore it's not staying. I pull at the tape with my teeth, it was taped quite tight but it's no match for my teeth as its swiftly removed, along with the needle.

As the needle hits the floor, light shines in the room from the open door. The doctor slowly coming in, looking towards me and what I've done. She walks up to the side of the bed, bending down and picking up the used needle before disposing of it in the correct way.

"Ich wusste, dass du Ärger machen würdest. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass du so viel Ärger machen würdest, junge Dame"

She says this to me with a laugh to her voice, she's clearly joking, but I don't mean to be a trouble maker, I just have trust issues. I can't help it.

Xander walks back into the room. I knew he wouldn't be far away, and he would have known when I woke up.

"Raven, are you ok? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"

Who would have thought that a Lycan would feel so much worry? It internally makes me smile inside because it shows how much he cares. It's not something I've had for a while. It's almost nice to feel this way.

"Honestly I'm feeling alright. What happened?"

The doctor takes her clipboard out from the end of my bed, filling notes in and not paying any notice to what were doing.

"You had a seizure. You retained some of the placenta when you gave birth, making you unwell. The doctor rushed you in and sorted everything out for you; you even had to have a transfusion. There shouldn't be anymore complications"

I'm such an idiot. All of this could have been avoided if I just let the doctor check me over when I got here. But I was too scared to let them near me. It could have potentially cost me my life.

"Can I leave the medical wing now?"

It's not that I'm completely ungrateful, but this isn't the place I want to spend the night. I especially don't want to spend it all on my own.

"There's no point in me insisting you stay, I know it makes you uncomfortable and I don't want you stressing out much more. So yes we can leave in a moment. I just want to check with the doctor about your other test results"

What other results? What other tests did I have done while I was out cold? Xander looks over in the direction of the doctor, she immediately stops writing information down and zones out.

"Your blood results pretty much came back as the rest of ours. Other than the fact you had a drop in blood cells due to the complicated birth. But we are all expected to make a full recovery. And when our body has burnt through the drugs we had, we should be able to shift as normal"

Normal? What's that anymore? Its feel like I haven't been normal for such a long time I cant even decide what I would call normal to any further extent. Maybe that is something I can find out in time. Once we eventually make it out of here.

"On the plus side, I managed to get us an earlier flight. Providing the doctor is happy for you to travel, we can leave in a few hours"

I'll sign those medical papers myself if I have too!

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