Part 10

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Peter was basically told to man up and get on with it. It was a few puncture wounds, and if he felt the need to act like his arm needed chopping off then he should head off to the medical bay, and get it seen to by a professional.

It then fell to Clive to clean up the small 'spillage' that occurred as a result from the incident that occurred.

I decided to actually be nice to him, he's petrified of me, and providing he kept away from me, I kept the growling to a minimal so he would get done quicker.

"Dr. Anderson, subjects #8 and #9 are on their way back from lab 2"

It seems everyone here has walkie talkies, even Clive was privileged enough to receive one. He quickly finishes off my cage before he makes a run for the door, it's honestly sad I can't face palm myself like this. Why would he get a job here if he's scared of us? And he knows what we are, so it's not like he didn't know what we'd be like. I can't imagine he'd be too please about being shoved in a cell and tested on if the roles were reversed.

I'm just hoping they can run whatever tests they want to on me, and then I can be released back into the wild, where I was quite happily before being dragged here against my will. I know I was always moaning about the cold, but there were things I liked about being rogue too, the most being hunting for food. Speaking of food! I've been here probably about half a day now and no ones fed me! Do they really expect their test subjects to survive without food! And I'm in wolf form so I'm burning up even more energy. A girls got to eat! 

I hear a door burst open, but it must be on the other side of the room as I can't see anything from my side of the cage, literally just what's in front of it. 

I try to stain my ears to pick up on what's being said, but it's still so hard, I think I've missed out on the start of their conversation, but I still try my hardest to listen in.

" ... samples have been sent off for testing, while the rest have been frozen"

No idea who this, sounds like a woman's voice. The next voice is one I do know, Dr. Anderson.

"Very good Zoey. The boss wants them tested as soon as possible to see if they would be a good match for our new subject, although I think he would prefer subject 9 to be paired with her"

"I'll get right on it, and rush his results though immediately" 

"Subjects #8 and #9 are back in their holding cells and secure" again I hear the walkie talkies going off.

This feels like being back at home, always missing out half of the conversation so I never actually know what is going on. The only thing I do know is I'm hungry. I manage to get up properly this time and have a look around the room. 

Again, everything just looks so clean, white is really not a good colour to have, it gets dirty so easily, the reason why I never owned a white pair of jeans, but that was another time. At the back of the room I appear to have a water container, it looks like its an automatic refill, however the water, or what I think is water appears to have a pink tinge to it. I walk over to inspect it. I try to sniff it, but nothing comes back to me, I feel like something in the room is blocking my senses. I go to have a small taste. It tastes ok, something like a fruity tinge to it. I'm not sure how much I trust it, but I'm so hungry and thirsty, I've not had anything for what feels like a week. 

I take small sips to fill my stomach with something. I mean they went to all this effort to capture me, so it's not like they're going to poison my now. Well I hope not anyway.

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