Part 37

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Zoey snatches the guard's walkie talkie off him before he gets a chance to reply.

"This is Dr Zoey. What the hell is going on?"

Escape?- that's what it sounds like. But who's breaking in? Is it someone to get us out of here? Or someone to break in, get us out, and trap us in a worse situation.

"Raven. I need you to listen very carefully. I know things are very difficult at the moment."

Difficult is putting it mildly.


"We need to evacuate the site now"

"Raven, keep listening to me, my team are here to get us out, but I need you to get to a safe place and hide for me. Can you do that?"

"I will drag myself out on two legs if I have to"

My adrenaline is pumping hard, I'm itching to get out and I can feel myself buzzing with determination, the blood forgotten about. This is now my main priority – freedom!

I've been in here too long, I'm ready to leave this place behind and move on with whatever my life may now bring.

"Where are you going?! Grant get back here! I didn't say anyone could leave!"

"It's over Zoey! We need to get the fuck out of here before-"

The lights cut out. The sirens turn off. The room is silent. The humans cant see anything. But we see everything


"Intruders cut the power supply. They're starting to move through the canteen to the administrations office. They're heading towards the subjects holding cells. Everyone evacuate now. "

The emergency lighting finally boots on. It's not very bright but it's enough to light up the emergency exits. Grant and the guard make their way towards it, Zoey looks towards the exit, and then back towards us, and she looks conflicted. She grabs hold of her head before letting out a scream, and dashing off after the other two. She's starting to lose it. Good.

"They're nearly here. Soon little bird, we can be free"

We both move to the front of the cell. Xander lets out a howl, directing him team right to him. It wont take them long to find us. And I'm right, a few moments later the doors slam open to reveal a group of people, all carrying weapons.

Nothing is said, One of Xanders team places a small device on our cell door, before he takes cover with the rest of his team. I suppose no one accidently left a key behind for them to use, so they need to use extreme measures. Xander pulls me into him, shielding me from the blast that is about to happen

The explosion is small, but loud. As the dust settles, Xander releases me and we look at the damage, there are cracks in places but it wasn't enough to completely destroy the door.

"Stay back for a moment"

Xander walks up to the door, and runs his hand over it, leaving dust marks all over it.

He then throws all his weight back before slamming his fist into the wall, making it crack even more. I've seen him attack the door before, and it barely held up last time, they must have taken extra measure after his last assault.

He throws his body against the door. The whole thing smashes into so many pieces. There is now nothing to keep up in the cell any more, and I couldn't be happier. Xander walks back over to me before picking me up and carrying me out, placing me on the floor outside away from the debris.

"Now let's get out of here"

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