Part 36

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"It's alright, just try to stay calm"

Stay calm? How on earth can I stay calm when there's blood everywhere?! What do I do? What does one even do in this situation other than panic?!


"Dr Zoey, Dr Grant, your needed in Laboratory 1, cell 5. Erm, as quick as you can"

See, even the security guard looks like he's panicking. If someone else is panicking, it means I have a reason to as well.

It doesn't take Grant very long to appear. He rushes up to our cell. When he looks inside, his face instantly drains of colour.

"Shit. Call down to lab bay 2, were bringing in an emergency admission"

Well that's not good either. If a doctor thinks there's a problem, then there must be an issue.

Pups? – I'm so sorry. How can you comfort a wolfs mentality, when we don't even know what's going on ourselves.

Zoey isn't very far behind. When she finally gets to the front, she barges Grant out the way to get a better look.

"She isn't supposed to be giving birth yet? She's at least 4 months away from her delivery date"

Grant looks back towards her scoffing before replying.

"What do you mean 4 months?! We don't know what his dna would do to her. We don't know the time frame because we haven't tested it properly yet"

"That's got to be it! It must be because he attacked her. His bite caused her to abort the foetus"

"What the hell are you talking about? We don't know much about them. Do you honestly think they would be that friendly towards each other if he attacked her? All I know is is that bite has prolonged her life. What caused this, is your interference"

"Slow and gentle breaths"

I start trying to walk, empathise on the word try. I don't know what to do with myself, my body doesn't have the strength for it, but I don't know what to do. I don't know whether I want to lie down, or if I want to pace. All I know is there is blood dripping down my legs and I'm in a hell of a lot of pain, and I need help. I don't know what sort of help, but I need it.

My stomach clenches so tight. My throat releases a whine. Those two need to shut up arguing, and hurry up and get me some amazing pain killers. Xander comes back up beside me; he tries to hold on to me. But I wiggle out of his hold. I need to keep moving. My body feels in a state of distress and I don't want to be held down. I need to keep pacing.

"Look Zoey, just shut the fuck up and get out the way. I need to get in there and separate them before she dies"

Sirens start blaring. The lights start flashing. Xander and I make a beeline for each other. These normally sound when one of us starts kicking off. He hold on to me tight. The lights blind us. The sound deafens us. But underneath it all, I manage to hear the announcement come over the walkie talkie:


"Code red. We have a break in, level 3 parking. We are under attack. I repeat, code red, we are under attack"

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