Part 25

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"She's not eaten for 48 hours. She can't afford to starve like this. We need to do something" Clive states to Grant.

I open my eyes to look round. I'm not happy that I've been woken up from my sleep.

"I told you, it's her body shutting down, she doesn't have the energy to eat"

"Well what if we put her on a drip? There must be something we can do?"

"I'm sorry Clive, I know you've formed an emotional attachment to them, but we know it doesn't work for them"

Clive looks as tired as I feel. Obviously he doesn't feel the pregnant part, but he looks like he's aged so much in a few days. The stress obviously getting to him. It's then I hear her heels clicking as she walks into the room, I don't even have to look in the direction of who it is, its clear to everyone, even by the look of Grant and Clive, that Zoey is on her way over.

"What's going on? Why are we round #11? What's wrong with her?"

Grant looks like he's completely lost patience with her, he practically glares as her.

"What's wrong? Well let's see, Dr. Anderson puts you in charge for starters, then you decide that you know best and put two embryos inside her, when we know fuck all about his species reproduction cycles and to top it all off she's dying because of your incompetence!"

"What do they mean you're dying?!"

I wish I had the energy to smile and laugh, I wish I was in human form. Even though Grant is the one who generally sedates me, I would high five him for that little speech. Zoey's obviously not used to being spoken to like that. She takes a few seconds to even breathe again, let alone think of a reply.

"Why don't we try putting her in with her breeder? If she dies its on all of us"

As usual, Clive never says anything when these two kick off. He wouldn't be able to get a word in either way with the way these two behave.

"No Zoey, it's just your head on the block. We had nothing to do with this. And when Dr Anderson gets back, I'll let him know about it"

"No just listen. It worked for a week with #6 and 7"

"Yeah, then look what happened. She lost it"

"That's because we left it too late. If you honestly believe she's dying and the product won't make it to a delivery date then we need to try and do something! If we do it now, they could all be saved"

Basically Zoey, your fucked either way. I don't think I'll live long enough to see her get her comeuppance, but I hope she suffers for it. Strangely enough, I don't think I even have the will to care about dying. I feel like me and my wolf, have accepted our fate. We were dealt a shit hand in this life, we won't be missing much, and I don't even have my family with me anymore, or my small rogue pack. They both won't miss us either.

I don't have anything else to lose.

Grant shakes his head. He looks like he's going over every option in his head

"Ok, well try it your way. But if anything happens. It's still all on you" 

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