Part 3

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Liam and I were on fire today, we managed to take down a full size buck! It was amazing to think that I was the one to catch it first. Due to my Alpha blood, which I think they knew about but never said anything, it meant I was the fastest and strongest on the team, and we all used it to our advantage.

"Tell you what you two, since you managed to capture and kill the buck, why don't you have a break for the afternoon while me and your mother make a start on dinner"

Music to my ears! I don't remember the last time I got some chill time. Chill time is also a bit different out here, there's no TV to watch and no cell phones to scroll through. Just Mother Nature.

Liam and I managed to drag the carcass back to camp while still in our wolf form. Once placed down in front of the fire, we both took one look at each other and walked off together. Rule #1 never go anywhere on your own. Pairs or group of 4 only.

I wanted to go back down to the stream; I was hot from all the running and wanted to cool off. Liam however wanted to play fight, typical boy really. The more I ignored him, the harder he tried to get my attention. Its only when he nipped my tail a little too hard, did I growl at him. He then proceeded to squeal and to run for his life. He would have been good in drama class. He knew he wouldn't be able to get away, but he was trying his hardest. I dodged through the trees, not really making much effort, I didn't really need to. When he was in close range, I pounced on him. Landing on his back and making him nose dive the floor. As I turned round, I see him spit out a mouthful of dirt. If I could have laughed in wolf form, I would've. Ha.

It was his turn to chase me, now until the end of the day, as he never could catch me. These games where the only bit of fun we could have, it might have been immature, but it kept our spirits up. And it would be a great story to tell his parent that he was eating dirt after he bit my tail.

I was currently hiding in a log, I could hear him sniffing round the area, but he was way off. I purposely ran round the clearing, confusing my scent pattern, to make him think I came in and then left. I then see Liam turn around to leave, as he walked off, I came out from my hiding place as quietly as I could, ready to make him eat dirt again. Liam stopped and stood still sniffing the air. Its then I noticed the wind pattern changed, I froze. My scent was blowing directly to him, as he turned his head he saw me. Oh shit!

I turned around and ran as fast as I could, kicking up leaves and dirt in his path. I ran down towards the river, trying to get some distance between us. I knew there was a few hiding spots down there that he had never found so I could still use them.

As I came upon the river I froze. There was a new scent here. One I have never smelt before. But before I could try to identify it, a large moron of a wolf crashed into me, and sent both of us rolling on the floor. Honestly this wolf is going to be the death of me. He's a 25 year old wolf, doesn't he know how heavy he is when he's sitting on me. We didn't have time to argue, as we could identify more scents. I don't know if Liam knew what is was, but I had no idea, and for the first time in a while, I actually started to feel fear brewing inside me. All I could tell was there was 6 of them. All smelling male. It could have been aliens for all I knew!

Liam instantly got up, and we stood back to back. I didn't know what was going on, what our plan of action going to be. It would have been really helpful if we could mind link, but because were not family, and this isn't a proper pack, we wasn't able to. And I know felt quite alone out here.

We could hear whatever was out there, moving around. It was regrouping, or changing patterns. Liam was letting out growls and snarling, trying to intimidate them. I didn't even know where to look; I was just trying to find out what was hunting us for a change.

It wasn't until I heard a very quiet walkie talkie go off that I heard their plan.

"Round them up"

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