Part 22

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"Sorry sweetie but muzzle on as usual"

I can't even be bothered to mumble back at Grant. As soon as he's happy that I'm sleepy enough, he grabs my paw and begins to take a sample of my blood. Honestly how much do they want from me? I know I can recover from injuries quicker than most, but it doesn't produce more blood, at this rate they will drain me dry quicker than any vampire could.

"Clive would you be a dear and run these up to the lab again for us. The one down here is still broken, and no matter how much I ask we never seem to get an update"

As usual he doesn't answer Zoey; he just takes the sample and leaves the room.

"What did you last slave die of? He's not your personal assistant you know"

"Whatever Grant, let's just get on with it. Are there any differences that Clive has put into her note?"

He gets up and grabs the folder off the top of my cage. When did that get there? He looks over the page scanning back and forwards between the words, before settling on something.

"Everything appears normal. Apart from the fact that she appears to have started nesting"


"Yeah, she rearranged her bedding. Moved it over the heater pipes and everything"

"Wow. None of the others had even done anything like that. Alright let's have a one month since fertilisation ultrasound"

Zoey goes over to the machine and wheels it over to Grant so he can begin the procedure, just like the last time I was here. Having the cold gel placed on me makes me shiver; I've noticed lately that the cold is getting to me more than usual. He moves the wand over me before settling into one spot.

"Babies are looking well, looking a bit on the large side for her though"

"What do you mean?" yeah your not really concerned Zoey, your just thinking about the money that'll go into your bank account.

"I mean we know nothing about the big guy. We didn't even know that he would be compatible with anyone till she turned up. You shouldn't have put two in" he squeezes the bridge of his nose, while sighing. He looks like he's really struggling with something.

"We've been over this, and anyway think about the pay check you'll get if they're all fine" yeah you just think about that Zoey, if I ever get out of here, you'll be first on my kill list.

"Think about you life when you get the sack, you think they'll let you walk away from this"

It's at this point, Clive rushes back into the room. His face is white; he looks likes he's going to go into shock.

"He-her results are bad. She's not even producing enough white blood cells. She's getting anaemic"

Grant looks over to Zoey, anger clearly written on his face. She looks like she doesn't care she just throws her arms up in the air before answering.

"Look she's fine for now, if there's complications later, we can always do a caesarean"

Grant goes over to Clive and takes the blood result from his hand, reading over it quickly. He scrunches the paper up in his hand before throwing it on the floor, then walks over to Zoey to point at her before shouting in her face

"I don't even think she's going to make it another week, let alone to a delivery date!"

Erm ... did he just say what I think he's saying. Did he just say that I'm going to die? 

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