Part 26

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Excuse me? What about me? Do I have a say in this? We're not even from the same pack. Hell he's probably not even from the same country as me! Surely they know were not going to get on. And he's more than likely going to kill me! I know I said I was ready to die, but I didn't agree to being mauled to death!

And what about the pups? They must know that it will be a death sentence for them too. Do they not want the 'product' anymore? Is it because I can't hold on to a full term to deliver? It's not exactly my fault that Zoey knew best.

In fact I think I've changed my mind, I'm not ready to die, not like this!

"Relax, if they put you in with me, I promise I wont hurt you"

That's what all murderers say. It's like listening to a scary movie; it's what they all say! I'm too young to die. I'm going to have to put up a fight, I can't go in that room with him.

This is just a bad dream. A really horrible bad dream. If I just shut my eyes and open them again ... no I'm still here. This cant be happening to me! Breathe, breathe, breathe!

"Is she alright? She looks like she's hyperventilating" Clive looks at me all confused

"It's because Zoey is stressing her out"

"I'm not doing anything other than standing here talking"

"Exactly. She wouldn't be stressing out if I was in charge of her case"

"Why don't you give her a little sedation to settle her nerves" shut up Zoey! Your input is not required round here!

"Oh of course. So if he decided to attack her, she can just lay there and be killed? At least give the poor girl half a chance at surviving before we can get her out" exactly Grant. At least you have some idea what you're talking about

"I promise you'll be ok"

Everyone just needs to shut up and give me time to think and deal with everything. I just need to settle my breathing. Breathe in, and out. Breathe in, 'ouch.' I've never had a stomach cramp like that. The pups can't even move around at this age, but then what do I know. I shouldn't be stuck in wolf form having them.

What the hell is that cage doing being brought over here? I am not getting in that. That's it, I'm getting up. I can't stay here and be accommodating about their terrible decision. I throw my legs out, and roll onto the balls of my feet. I'm in no way elegant as I get up, but at this moment in time I really don't give a fuck. I'm already swaying on my legs; they can just about support my weight. As the cage is attached to the front of my cell, I decide its time to make a run for it. The only place being the back of my cell. I'm proud when I take 2 full steps. They are however the only ones I take. In my rush to get moving, my back legs slip on the blanket which sends me falling over onto it. If I could cry I think I truly would

I feel like I'm actually having a break down

"Clive, you'll need to go in and get her, she won't willingly get in the cage"

"Zoey I can't, she's not sedated"

Not Clive. I can't attack him. He's been nothing but nice to me since the moment I got here. He's always been the one who's brought me food, and all the extra blankets that I needed. I couldn't try and bite him after all that.

"Don't be ridiculous. You just see that she can't even walk in a straight line. She's perfectly harmless like this. Now get in there and sort this mess out"

Oh yeah, you come in Zoey and I'll show you how harmless I can be. I would use my last dying breathe to make sure my teeth wrap around her throat!

Clive comes in regardless, he's absolutely shitting himself, but I can't bring myself to move. I know he's always been scared of us and I don't want to frighten him more than what he is.

There's no way he'll be able to pick me up on his own, and Zoey won't send anyone in to help him. As hard as I would struggle to get to the cage on my own, I'll have to help Clive. When he finally removes the blankets that have wrapped around me, I try to stand. Which as I would predict makes him run right out the room with my blankets in his hand.

I'd like to call it walking with my head held high, but in reality it looks like it's a pregnant wolf who's absolutely pissed and can't walk without crossing her legs. Yeah that's me. I waddle over and plonk myself inside, waiting for the door to shut.

Next stop, the lycan's cell

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