Part 27

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I'm wheeled up to his cell and attached to his cage, the door still shut keeping me safe. When I look up I remember how large he actually is, and more importantly how big his teeth are. It's now I realise that this was truly a horrendous idea. And it's not like I can even back out now. I just pray that that little voice in my head that said I won't get hurt knew what it was actually talking about.

The Lycan is pacing the cell. His eyes never leaving mine, not even to blink.

"Are you sure its safe for her?" Clive actually has a really good question, and I think we should have a meeting to discuss the pros and cons, like I'm going to die!

"Get on with it!" no one asked your opinion Zoey! Who the fuck left this one in charge of me?

Clive looks at her before huffing in defeat. As he walks up to me, I hear him mutter a 'sorry' under his breath before the front of my cage is lifted. If anyone thinks I'm going to willingly get out this cage now they have another thing coming

Safe – erm what way are you looking? I may be stuck in wolf form, but if she thinks we're safe in here, shes going to be in for a shock.

"Clive, just push her in"

If I honestly make it out of here, I will murder this woman, and that's after I torture her until she can't take anymore. But Clive does what he's told, he pushes the back of the cage so it moves forward, although he's very gentle and I lean back as much as I can, he still manages to get me in.

When I land in the cell, I notice I'm rapidly breathing, I'm terrified, even if my shoulders weren't dropped and I was severely underweight, I think I would still run and hide.

"Your safe in here with me, I promise"

The voices don't know what they're talking about! Whatever did I do wrong in life to deserve this! I can feel my whole body shaking, and it's not because I'm cold. Only about 2% of that is because I'm cold, the other is because I'm terrified.

"Update me on her progress in a few hours"

Bye zoey! Not even going to watch me die in this shit hole you've put me in? to be honest I'm not even surprised.

The lycan stop pacing, and lowers himself down to the floor so he crouches. Even if I stood up to my full height, he would still tower me. I lower myself to the floor; I try to look as small and unintimidating as possible. He lets out a small whimper that I can just about hear.

"You need to keep warm; you're losing too much body heat"

Safe – no he's not safe. He is going to kill me.

"Listen to her, she knows I won't hurt you, I'm just trying to look after you and my pup"

Someone please make the voices stop, if I wasn't so scared to move, and I was in human form, I know id be in the corner crying and trying to hold myself. I feel like I can't control my emotions

"Please calm down, you're not helping yourself or the pup, you need to relax"

Relax? Relax! I don't know if you've noticed what's going on here?

"Calm down"

Calm – why are all the voices against me? They're in my head, shouldn't they do what I want?

The lycan goes to stand up; in instinct I stand up too and back up as much as I can until my whole body is against the cell. He begins walking over to me, my natural reaction – panic. Or full meltdown, whatever anyone wants to pick. I release a high pitch scream, I want Clive and Grant to see I'm having a breakdown so they get me out quicker.

When the Lycan is a couple of feet away from me I need to make a decision. Sit here and die, or try to run. 

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