Part 6

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The first thing I sort of notice when I come to, is that it's dark. I almost assumed that my eyes hadn't opened fully yet. The other things I notice is that I'm too weak to stand up, not that I even think anything is even restraining me. I shut my eyes again for what feels like a few seconds. When I open them again, it's still dark. Right, where ever I am, they just haven't turned the light on for me yet. It doesn't help that my eyes can't pick up too much. Where the hell am I? As I go to rub my eyes, I notice three things.

One – there's a drip in my arm, they're obviously taking care of me, otherwise why would they bother putting a drip in in the first place.

Two – I'm still in wolf form. Strange. Very strange. I'm surprised my body could support and hold the change. Normally I'd change back in circumstance like that. Maybe my wolf felt on edge, so she decided it'd be best if she was in charge.

Three- They muzzled me! How fucking DARE they!! I haven't savaged anyone – yet! There's no reason to treat my like an unhandled dog!

Ooooh! They're so lucky I'm muzzled. It just means I'll have to attack them with my claws. That's fine, it'll take them longer to die and will be more painful in the long run.

"And in this room Sir, we have our latest edition; she was captured a few days ago, but hasn't come round yet. The Army said she'd been their most challenging wolf to take down."

When they enter the room, they flick on the light switch, which instantly causes me to close my eyes, and to cover my face. Evil bastards. I let them know of my unhappy, and unsatisfied conditions from the growl I release.

"Wow, she is impressive. Beautiful colouring too."

"Yes Sir, she is. She's in a good and healthy condition and would be a perfect candidate for the programme."

Programme? What programme? I can't exactly see what good qualities I have, maybe it's my Alpha blood. Now that my eyes can refocus, I can inspect the two people in front of me. One in a type of lab coat, a doctor for sure. And the other in a black, expensive looking suit, clearly the one being referred to as Sir. I inhale a scent again. They share the same type of scent, even the same as the ones that captured me. But I still don't know what type of species they are.

"Clive? Would you be able to place subject #11 into her new cage."

A slim male with long dark hair tied back into a pony tail, pokes his head through the door and looks into the room. When his eyes meet mine, he flinches.

"Of- Of course Dr. Anderson."

Good luck you fucking wimp. Nearly just shit yourself just looking at me! Clive braves it, and walks closer to my small cage. As he comes within a foot of me, I start growling and snarling at him, as best as I can with the muzzle attached.

"M-m-maybe I'll just get one-one of the recruits to assist"

It's Dr. Anderson who responds to his statement.

"Really Clive, it's a fucking mutt. Just get on with it"

Clive pales at the comment. He looks like he's about to pass out, but he decides to run out of the room anyway.

"Please excuse him Sir; although he's a very good assistant, he's petrified of the subjects. And they seem to pick up on it too"

"How can he be scared of her? She's tiny compared to #9. At least with that one I understand a bit more"


** Ok guys, this is where I need your help **

I'm going to introduce some new characters, so I would like you guys to offer up some names for me to use. Male and Female please :)  

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