Part 8

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Justin decided to finally give in and wheel my cage into the new one. But that was his limit. If I was going to get out of this tiny one I needed Clive to grow a pair and actually get in here and let me out.

"Go-good girl, just st-stay calm"

Honestly Clive, if I was any calmer I'd be dead. I'm still half asleep, and I want this muzzle off. So in the circumstances I swear I'll behave! Just for a few minutes at least.

He manages to make it next to me, before leaning down next to me. I don't lift my head as he's already shitting it and don't need to make him run away again.

"Ok, I'm going to lift this door *gulp* and if you co-could just walk out for me, I'd really, really ap-appreciate it"

I feel like I'm standing next to a wounded animal, a dying wounded animal. Can my life be any worse? I mean, it probably could, but I suppose I'm lucky that he's a coward so I know he won't get too close to me.

Clive unlocks the front of my cage, and slowly lifts the front up.

"Right, little lady, if you could jussst come out for me, i-if you don't mind that is"

If I was awake, I would face palm myself. That Justin guy was right, how did Clive get a job in a place like this. He clearly knows what I am, and that I can understand what he wants from me, either that or he's having a serious mental breakdown and he's talking to himself to try and calm his nerves.

"Oi Clive! What you doing?"

This distraction makes him swing round in a panic, to the fact he let go of the door and it nearly fell on my head. He's lucky this time. There are two men standing there in black uniforms with their guns. It's those army guys again.

"No-nothing gentleman, nothing to see here! I'm just inspecting subject #11"

"Honestly dude, you need to get some better help round here"

NOOO! Clive, come back here and get this fucking muzzle off me! I'd climb the walls to make a scene if I could. I mean I would if I wasn't stuck in a cage the size of a fucking shoe box! If I wasn't captured by aliens I think I'd need therapy for the amount of anger management I currently posses.

"Well ... if you're offering to help, she needs her muzzle removed"

The two army men look at each other before looking back towards Clive.

"Whats the problem then? Just take it off like you did all the other ones"

"P-problem is, the others were all asleep, and she's awake"

Thank you captain obvious! Yes I've been awake for a while now, and I'm getting pretty cranky about being stuck in this box still.

"She's nothing to worry about mate, come on I'll drag her out and get that off for ya"

"Please don't drag her, don't upset her anymore than she already is!"

"Don't worry Clivie boy, I've got this"

The brave soldier comes in to the cage, he rolls up his sleeves, almost acting like he's too cool to be in a job like this, and getting me out is going to be a piece of cake.. He very quickly opens the front of my cage. As soon as door lifts up, I stand up.

"Careful Peter"

I sway on my legs abit, but am able to hold my self up, but only just about. That's what they think anyway.

I very calmly walk out, and add a stumble in for added effect.

But my calmness disappears in the blink of an eye, as Peter decides to grab and pull my ear to lift my head. Be calm; just endure it for a moment. He clicks the muzzle off.

As he begins to take the muzzle away from my face, Ipull back quickly. With my face now free from the contraption, I strike.

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