Part 12

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Clive came back a little while later like he promised. He even gave me another rabbit, only a small one though, and only when I went to the back of my cell, did he agree to throw it to me. It seems that that's the procedure here, just to do what I'm told or I'm not going to get fed, near enough like a circus animal, wonder how long it'll be before I have to jump through a flaming hoop.

Once I've eaten, and feeling more content, I lay down in front of the cell to try and see what's going on. It is my only form of entertainment at the end of the day, and I want to try and find out what's going on. 

But I don't find anything out, not a lot seems to go on in here, it just appears to be a holding room. Occasionally someone in a lab coat walks past, but no one seems to interact with us. 

And it goes on like this for a few days. Just wasting my life looking out the door, with fuck all going on. There are only 2 good things that happen in those few days. Being fed breakfast, as that's all we get, but I start to miss hunting. I can dream. Dream of being back outside, being allowed to run round and be free, even just to socialise. We're not meant to be confined and be loaners. This is what sends us mad, and I start to feel like I am. I can see why rogues go mad so easily.

I think it's now day 4, or day 5, I'm already not sure anymore, I don't have a way to remember anything, I couldn't even tell what time of the day it is, I haven't seen the sun or the moon in such a long time. 

Clive comes up to feed me as usual. But this time he has a cage with him. 

"Morning #11, breakfast is a little different today."

Yeah id say it is, if you think I'm getting in there again, then we might fall out. I've grown to like Clive over the last few days, he's a friendly face, when he's not shitting himself, and he brings breakfast, and I'm sure he gives us more than he's meant to.

"You can have the chicken –"

Chicken?! Did he say chicken?? I've not had it in so long! I used to love it as the pack house. It was one of my favours. It literally could go with everything.

"- but you need to get in the cage for me"

Chicken? I hate chicken, most revolting bit of food I've ever tasted. Who would willingly eat it? 

I let him know of my disgust by walking to the back of the cell and lying down, facing away from him. 

"Oh please don't be like that, its still warm chicken, really nice, I promise"

Yep, sure it is, bet it tastes amazing, but I'm not falling for it. They said they ran tests on me ages ago, so I don't need to come out again. Coming out again means more tests, and I don't want to be a pin cushion. 


"Clive, eta on #11?" stupid walkie talkies, can't anyone just use a phone round here. 

I look over my shoulder to see what's happening.

"5 minutes, just an issue attaching the cage" didn't take Clive for being a liar, but then I don't really know him that well.

"Please, I don't want to have to get a guard to come in and get you sedated again, you took so long to wake up last time"

Oh for fuck sake! I don't want to be shot again either you idiot! But I don't want to be seen as just doing what I'm told. if I'm knocked out, I wont know what's going on when I'm wheeled out.

Clive that better be the world's best chicken!

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