Part 9

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Whatever Peter and the rest of their crew are, they scream quite loudly about being bitten.

"Get this fucking thing off me!"

Peter tries his best to swing round, but I'm way stronger than what he is, even at limited capacity. No wonder they drug us. 

The other guy that accompanied Peter tries to get involved, they try prizing my jaw apart, but it's not going to happen. They strike me with their fists, but it's like being hit by nothing, they're so weak. It's only when I see the gun being lifted that I slightly loosen my jaw.

"NO! You can't shoot her! They're too valuable!"

Too valuable? Not allowed to be shot? And that's my jaw tightening back up

"Clive you fucker she's going to break my arm!"

Dramatic much? If I was going to break it, it'd already be broken. He tries to pull back, so I pull harder and start to tug him forward. Its then I notice how weak they really are, I'm barely pulling. In fact, I swing my head to the side, and Peter goes flying to the floor.

Clive runs out from the cage just to the door before he hits something, it makes a loud alarm go off, and red flashing lights coat the whole room. It's too much for my sensitive ears and eyes to take. With much regret I let go, I try to cover my ears, while closing my eyes tight. The alarm carries on, even though I let Peter go, I try moving to the back of the cage, trying to get away from the sound and lights. I howl my discomfort, my ear drums feel like they're going to burst.

Then the room stops making noise. I open my eyes, looking round. The lights have returned to normal. It's just me in the cage. Me and the puddle of blood a few feet away from me.

"Call a medic!"

I look back to the front, Peters on the floor, the other guy holding his walkie talkie to his mouth. 

"Urgent assistance to lab bay 1, I repeat urgent assistance"

Dr. Anderson comes into the room. He can see the commotion from the door and rushes to his side, and holds peters arm up, to inspect the damage.

"Dr. Anderson that fucking thing nearly ripped my arm off"

Nearly? It's still attached isn't it? I mean I could have taken it off if I really wanted to. 

"Your lucky, it could of taken your head off if it wanted too. What happened?"

Clive jumps in to state what happened.

"I warned you not to pull her around; they're sensitive creatures that demand respect when handling them"

"Sensitive?! It nearly mauled my arm off, that thing better not have rabies!"

Maybe I should have taken his arm; he might have been less theatrical than the few puncture wounds that he did receive. Pretty sure I see an eye roll from the doctor before he replies.

"You won't get anything from it. It was tested a few days ago for diseases and amongst other things."

What tests did Dr. Anderson run on me?

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