Part 44

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"Xander. How long has it been?"

We've been on the road for a lifetime; he promised it would only take 10 minutes. I'm not coping being locked up in a small place. I need to get out soon. I can feel my composure starting to crumble; soon I will explode with the nerves inside me.

"It's been about three minutes"

Oh? Maybe not quite a lifetime then. But that's just what it feels like. I just need to wait a bit more, then we can get out, and I can breathe some fresh air in. Maybe if I just keep asking questions then it'll distract me enough from the time that has passed.

"Xander? How long will we be staying in this pack for?"

Its not like I'm ungrateful, which now sounds like I am, but I haven't been with a pack of more than three others for a few years, I just feel like I could be overwhelmed, and I wouldn't know anyone there. People can be judgemental at the best of times, and it wouldn't take much to tip me over the edge.

"It won't be very long at all. Maybe two, three days at the most"

"How comes were staying for so long?"

That sounds like a very long time, what takes that amount of days just to organise transportation. He said his parents were searching the globe for him, they're obviously high up in the werewolf world, and would have access to most places with ease.

"It takes time for flights to be scheduled, and I want us to all be checked over before we leave to make sure were safe to travel"

I suppose that makes sense, he'll need to book the - Checked over? Like as in a health check? With a doctor examining us? Oh no no no, I don't think so. If he thinks I'm even going near a hospital he's got another thing coming

"Raven, just relax. I'll be with you the entire time, there's no need to start getting worked up"

Worked up? I know he didn't go through exactly the same thing as me, but he was imprisoned for much longer than me. How can he be so cool and collected about being tested on again?

"We don't need to I feel perfectly fine"

He looks down at me, if he could roll his eyes he would. I know I'm not fine, but he doesn't need to know that. I don't want any tests to be done on me. I never want to see any doctors again.

"I know you're scared, but you've just given birth, we've been kept in conditions that are not proper for wolves, and we don't know what drugs we've ingested"

Drugs work their way out of the body naturally, people have given birth in unsightly conditions, and never seek medical advice afterwards and have no further complications. I don't need a doctor. My body will heal in time.

"Sorry for all the questions, I'm just feeling a bit nervous"

He looks down towards my face, I attempt to look away in shame, I know what he's saying make sense, but I can't admit I'm petrified to him. His Lycan needs a strong female to be by his side, and I can't tell him it's not me. But he won't let me hide; he places a clawed finger to my chin, lifting it up so I have to look towards him.

"Hey, it's alright to be unsure. We'll just take it at your pace"

He really is too good to me. If we had met under different circumstances, before I had gone rogue, we would have been a force to be reckoned with together. Now I'm just an embarrassment, and the quicker he realises it, the quicker he will be to disown me

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