Part 50

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I haven't been on a plane for years. Its not very often that we had to travel long distances when I was in my families pack. It was only packs that surrounded our territory, and most of the time then I wasn't invited to attend. My dad made sure of that. I only ever knew anyone who came to visit us. And ive never been in a military style plane, sitting in the cargo hold. This is a first, and hopefully a last.

"Raven? Is everything alright?"

Is everything alright? No its not. I'm missing a lot of people. People who I can' ever see again. Not if I want to remain hidden. I wonder if they're missing me.

"Can I ask you something?"

He looks down towards me, his eyes looking very sympathetic

"Of course you can. You can always ask me anything"

Can I though? Will you really answer me with the truth?

"Where are my pups?"

Xander lets out a slight huff. It's not from anger, more like sadness. He begins stroking my head. He's trying his best to relax me.

"They're on the flight with us. When we get back to Russia we will give them a proper burial"

A burial. They didn't even get to see daylight. They were so innocent. They didn't deserve death. How does anyone live after burying their pups? It should never be that way. I then feel a drop of water on my paw, followed by another. I don't have to lift my head. I know where the salt water is coming from. I snuggle up closer to Xander. I'm distraught by what's happened. But he is too; he just has a different way of expressing his emotions. And now that he's marked me, he can feel all of my emotions on top of his own. 

It's a lot to take in. We're both new to this, we haven't been mates for that long, and we're already having to say goodbye to our family. It's just too much to bear.

We sit in silence for the rest of the flight.


The plane finally comes to a stop. It was just under two hours like Xander promised. We both walked over to the ramp that had just finished lowering. But what I witnessed was something very unusual. Practically a whole military presence is visible. There are hundreds of soldiers all on one knee bowing down. What the hell is going on? Xander walks down the ramp, slowly at first, he looks back towards me and signals with his head for me to follow. I'm not being left on my own here, so willing follow after him.

At the bottom of the ramp is a man who is dressed slightly differently to the others.

As soon as Xander feet hit the floor everyone rises and salutes him. What the hell is going on?! Xander approaches the man; he has a bright smile on his face. Barely containing his joy. He also salutes Xander before addressing him.

"Your royal highness. It's so good to see you again"

What the fuck? Why would he address Xander that way?

Your highness?

Oh my god ... Xanders a member of the royal family.

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