Part 24

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I'm more than happy to be taken back to my cell. I'm tired and fed up with everyone arguing round me. Just let a pregnant wolf lie down and have some peace and quiet!

We walk past all the other cells. The first cell where #2 normally is is empty. The number even removed from the wall, and is currently being cleaned up. It seems weird that the number has been taken down. This wolf has been here the longest out of all of us, if it's gone by number order. The fact that the number is gone and it's been cleaned makes me think that this poor wolf is no longer with us. Probably outlived its usefulness to these disgusting humans! Or it's having a fate worse than death. Being experimented on somewhere else as Grant said they don't know a lot about us. Either way I hope that the wolf is in a better place now and is no longer suffering.

The next 3 wolves are still here. And my Lycan is too. Even if he's still knocked out on the floor. Wait a second .. did I just refer to him as my Lycan? I don't know how my wolf has formed an emotional attachment to him, to the fact that she's hearing voices and thinking it's him. It's just the madness setting in, it's probably happened to everyone here.

"Here we are, back home for the evening"

It takes me no time at all to get out the cage and snuggle back up into my blankets. Its so cold round here at night. Would it really kill anyone to put the heating on for us! I still feel a little drowsy from the drugs; maybe a power nap could cure that. It's not like I have anything else to do round here.


I wake up abruptly from my nap when I hear a bang. I feel disorientated and groggy from it. And here I thought a power nap was meant to make me feel better.

Its then I notice that my bed isn't in the same place it once was. And I have a lamb bone under one of my paws. When did I move the bed or get the bone?

I don't .. I'm not .. what happened?

How can I not only remember getting up, but moving all of my blankets and making a bed closer to the wall? And then going to get dinner, and bringing that into my bed too? I mean I can't see Clive willing doing it.

"Why do they keep taking you? I'm losing my mind when I can't sense you near me"

Near me? Hold on a minute! Did my wolf take over while I was sleeping and move everything round? Just so she could be closer to the Lycan? She didn't even have any problem fighting me for it. I must have been exhausted. But if it makes her feel better I suppose I can stay here for the night. I assume its night now? It's probably afternoon. I really don't know anymore. I would say I'm past caring, but that would be a lie.

It's then that I see Clive walking back into the room to pass dinner out. I'm not really feeling it at the moment. I'm just feeling exhausted. Personally I blame the sedation, I don't know why they give me so much still, and it was only one time that I bit someone. Either way, I put my head back down. I'm not getting up again.

"What's wrong? Why are you not eating?"

Please just stay out of my head. It's not even a real voice. I tell myself that anyway to make me feel better. And I'm too tired to eat. If I don't want to eat I don't have to. It's not like there's a rule that I have to eat so much. I just want to lie down.

This is what I tell myself the next morning.

And in the evening, when Clive comes round to visit me again.

The morning after is the same too.

"Please try to eat something" 

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