Part 19

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Not a lot happens after that. It's like I get a health check from Grant while Zoey takes notes. My eyes are examined with a bright light. My heart and lungs are examined.

"Ok guys, everything looks well, lets proceed with a full blood exam, and then we can move on with the ultrasound"

When I see the needle coming out, that's when I try to sit up. But everything in my body screams that it can't. I let out a little whimper. I hate needles. Clive comes over to me and strokes my head trying to calm me down.

"Oh its ok, just a little nick and it'll all be done"

It was done rather quickly; Grant had the needle in and out within the minute. He holds the vials of blood up to the light to assess them. I'm not really sure what he's looking at. Maybe it's a science thing. Maybe if I paid a bit more attention in my medical lessons at school id know what he's doing. Why did I only like studying languages? Learning to speak French, German and Spanish isn't helping me now!

"Thank you Grant. Clive would you be able to run these upstairs to process them"

He doesn't even answer Zoey before he takes the vials of my blood to leave the room. Maybe these guys are vampires; maybe that's why grant was looking at my blood all confused. I mean I never know what time of day it is, they could always be here during the night and sleep during the day. I don't think id even find out what these guys are.

Zoey updates her paperwork before she addresses Grant again.

"Can we now proceed for the ultra sound please"

Grant manages to pull my body about to get into position, its amazing how big this cage is to the fact that I can lay on my side flat out. While he done that Zoey had wheeled the machine closer to me. She prepares it, and then hands it over to Grant who is still kneeling beside me.

"Okay madam this is going to be a little bit cold"

Even if I wanted to do anything about it I couldn't. I was aware of everything going on around me, but couldn't do anything to stop it.

I felt the cold gel being pressed onto my lower stomach, then I feel him press the probe harder against me. He looks back to the screen which is next to him. He moves the probe round on me for a few seconds before stopping in place.

"Ahh there it is, looking w-"

He stops abruptly, looking down towards me. Zoey has concern written all over her face. She rushes over to Grant before looking at the machine.

"What is it?"

"Zoey. Why are there two heart beats?"

Heart beats?! What the fuck have these things done to me! Heart beats, I'm carrying pups. Am I that stupid that I missed all the signs that were right in front of my face! Pups? I'm stuck in wolf form. There's a reason why it's not advisable to shift while pregnant, who knows what it would do to the unborn pup. I – what would happen to the pup if I was stuck in wolf form the entire pregnancy, it's never been done before. It's not right. And what ... the pups father.

"Do you think she will take to #9?"

"She would be a perfect choice to test on."

"Natural or artificial"

"We already have samples from both subjects."

Who was #9, I know I'm #11, and the – oh no, #9 isn't the white wolf, it's the Lycan.

"Zoey! What have you done?" 

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