Part 16

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"How is it?"

Huh? Who said that?

"Yeah bro, the procedure went well"

Open your eyes you idiot! No wonder you can't tell whose talking.

"Well? Like its going to make us filthy rich well?"

"Exactly that. All I can say is the director is going to be really pleased with her and the product, if she can deliver that is"

I hate waking up like this; my eyes feel like they're stuck together with the world's stickiest super glue.

"So you're saying she actually took to it? The first one to actually do it?"

Please shut up. I can't even lift my head up properly, all I want to do is go back to sleep.

"Not just once Justin, but we tested for three, and all three were positive"

"Oh my god, were going to be loaded!"

I open my eyes a small amount, trying to get used to the light. I can see now why vampires hate it so much.

"Absolutely, we've only put one- oh look who's finally starting to wake up"

Both men turn to look at me; from my eyes finally adjusting to the light I can see Justin and Grant in front of me. And I can now see where I know grant from. They're both clearly twins, either that, or I'm delirious and can see two Justin's.

Justin, no, it's Grant that comes over to my cage and bends down to see me. He puts his hand through the bars and places a stethoscope to my chest, while looking down at his watch.

"Erm mate are you sure you should be doing that?"

Grant keeps looking at his watch. When he's finished listening to my heart or lungs he takes the stethoscope away before answering his brother.

"Yes she's quite safe like this; the sedation will still take time to wear off. But she's fine to go back to her cell now to recover. Ill radio Clive to keep an eye on her for the next few hours to make sure she doesn't take a negative effect from the procedure"

The brothers simply nod to each other before Justin wheels me out of the room and down the corridor. It doesn't seem as long to get back to the room where were all locked up. As I'm wheeled in, I try to sit up to give my wolf the chance to see her own kind again. Not only is it breaking me to be restricted like this, its completely destroying her. It won't be long before she snaps.

As I go past the cages I see the three wolves who I've already met. This time they're all up. The first one is up and pacing around the cell, acting quite distressed. Why wouldn't they. I don't know how long I've been here, and they were all here before me. The second and third wolves are pressed up the same side of the wall. Trying to get as close to each other as possible. The one on the left is whimpering to the one on the right. While that one is growling with anger, this wall a barrier from ... their mate. It's so clear to see. They've captured two wolves who are mates. Don't they realise what they're doing keeping them separated? Their wolves are suffering.

The next wolf along #8, one of the ones I didn't meet last time. It's a pure white wolf. It could almost pass for the colour of snow. It's beautiful. This wolf, is just lying down in front of me. It gives me a small growl, not even bothering to lift its head to me. Its message is clear; this wolf is letting me know that it's the boss. I give a growl back, my wolf and I won't be intimidated by anyone, even if there are barriers between us.

I'm then passed to the next cell. This one has something in it too. The growl that erupts from this one nearly topples me and the cage over as I try to back up. The creature inside, is attacking the front of the cage demanding to be let out. Although I'm petrified from what I've seen, my wolf takes full control and will not back down from this incredible creature, the sedation has completely faded. Now she runs on pure adrenaline as she growls back, she will not bow down to anyone. She wants to stand and fight.

I have never seen anything like it in my life.

A lycan. 

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