Part 20

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Yeah Zoey, what the fuck have you done!

Next thing I know a shouting match begins between the two doctors. I can't sit up to see what's going on; I just listen in to what I can.

Zoey starts off by shouting "I did what needed to be done. Having one pup at a time is taking too long; I'm speeding up the process"

"We don't know what that could do to the subject; we haven't even tried two pups on the normal werewolves"

"We won't know unless we try, there's plenty more subjects out there"

"What do you think Dr. Anderson is going to say, or the director? If she dies or loses the pups, you're going to lose your head!"

"Stop being so dramatic, we have some of the best scientists in the world here. We are trying to create a safer future for the human population, so sacrifices need to be made"

Am I missing something here? Are these things in front of me actual humans? I've never actually met anyone like them; I've never left my pack before so I wouldn't know. And what's a werewolf pup going to do to help them. Out the corner of my eye I see Clive walk back in, he looks between the two doctors, he must have heard them shouting just before he came back in.

"She's erm, a little bit low on some of her readings, so it might be best to boost her vitamin and mineral intake"

I manage to sit my body up a bit to look at the three doctors. Both of the guys just stare at Zoey. Grant lets out a breathe before turning to Clive.

"Maybe its best to take her back to her cell, we have all that we need today. Just .. keep a close eye on her Clive, and report back any problems, even diminutive ones"

He doesn't hang around; he comes straight over to me and wheels me out of the room.

As he takes me back, I think over things in my head.

Being pregnant. I don't even know where to start. I was pregnant before. It didn't start or end well. I wasn't in a good mental or physical state; my body couldn't support the pup. The pup wasn't even from my mate.

My mate, he felt like a life time ago, it's because of him and his Alpha that I turned rogue in the first place. I should have just fought harder to stay at my home pack. I was an Alpha's daughter, I should of fought harder, but instead I did what I was told, and look where I am now. A shell of my former self, my family would be embarrassed if they could see me now. Broken. Suffering. Alone.

The human side of me can't take anymore; I don't know how long I've been stuck in wolf form. But she decided a while ago that the human in us is no longer needed. Sooner or later I would turn feral- like how a rogue is supposed to behave.

I'm wheeled back toward my cell, passing the other wolves. I look at them all again. I can now see the torment on their faces. The fact that our numbers are so spread out leads me to believe that werewolves don't last very long here. We're here for a purpose. And other than knowing it's to help the human race, I don't know in what way though. It just involves our pups.

Even when I'm wheeled past the Lycan, the father to my two pups, I don't respond to his growling, even though his eyes are persistent on Clive.

Justin walks in from the other door, when he sees the both of us he looks relieved.

"Thank god the two are back; the big guy hasn't stopped whimpering since you took her, it's been driving me mad"

"I'm so glad your back"

What the fuck? Whose voice was that?

"Really? He's never fussed over any of the other wolves leaving before"

Yeah, I can't see a giant, scary Lycan missing anyone either. Who knew? Clive and Justin place me back in my cell.

"I hope you and my pup are ok"

I'm actually hearing voices in my head. That's it. I have official lost my mind.

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