Part 29

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"Well it looks like she survived the night then?"

I can't even open my eyes, I feel exhausted. Being pregnant is hard work.

"Yep, looking at the cameras it appears that they haven't moved for the entire night"

Please, try and be quiet and let me rest, not only am I tired, but I feel like I'm nursing a monster headache from being up all night.

When the voices go away, I manage to fall back to sleep.


The sound of the cell closing wakes me up again. Can't anyone be quiet round here? Is it really that hard to just have a good sleep? I open my eyes gently, the light in the room briefly blinding me. When my eyes focus on something I really want. Clive must have brought this for me; he knows chicken is my favourite. And it's so close to me. I haven't wanted to eat for a few days, but I can smell how amazing it is, that I can feel my self starting to drool. I try to get up, but I just can't. My body feels like I've lost all control of my muscles. It makes me so upset that I can't stop the little whine from escaping. And that's when I feel the mass moving from behind me. How could I have forgotten? I look over my shoulder, and see him standing to his full height. From down here, he looks even more gigantic. He moves past me, and that's when I notice how cold I'm starting to get, he must burn a lot hotter than a werewolf.

The lycan picks up the two bowls of chicken before he returns back to me. I try and huddle down more, anything to make myself appear smaller and non threatening. I just hope he thought that me biting him was part of a dream and he doesn't take it out on me. He places both bowls in front of me, before the voice appears again in my head.

"Just try to eat what you can"

I don't move. I don't want to take the first bite in case he gets mad. In normal wolves and werewolves the Alpha eats first. I don't want to give him any reason to attack me and put me in my place.

"You need to eat. Not just for yourself, but for the sake of the pup"

The voice always says pup. Doesn't it realise that there are two? But then who am I to judge. I'm the one hearing voices.

I'm so hungry, but I'm too scared to take the first bite.

Eat – maybe, just maybe he won't get mad if I take just a tiny bit.

I lean forward as much as I can, and take a small piece. Its only plain chicken, but it tastes so juicy and amazing. I actually chew it so much to savour the taste of it. As I swallow I look back towards the Lycan. He looks down on me, but doesn't move an inch. He doesn't look like he minds me eating first; maybe he already ate when I was sleeping and he's just feeling generous about letting me have some. Either way, I take another chance and lean forward to grab another piece. This time not tasting, I eat as quick as I possibly can. He might change his mind about sharing and I need some nutrition for the pups to survive.

The next time I take a breathe of air is when I finish most of the first bowl. I can't eat all of it, it's too much for me.

"Good! That's a good start!"

Now that I've eaten, I feel a bit better, but I'm starting to feel that I'm shaking. I snuggle back down into my blanket, trying to keep myself warm.

The Lycan moves forward to take the two bowls from me. He finishes what's left, then places them back against the cell door, before he comes back over to me and lies down next to me.

"I've barely been gone 5 minutes and your already shivering"

As uneasy as I feel, I don't kick up a fuss, I just try to keep still and relax. He doesn't seem too bothered by me being still. It's only when I go to move away does he pull me back to his side. It's almost like he's trying to keep me warm. Maybe these voices in my head know what they're actually talking about. 

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