Part 34

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"What's your name?"

Ah. That's a tough one. I didn't go by my real name for the last few years as I didn't want anyone to know who I was. That's the point when I'm trying to hide

"Erm.. It's.."

I need to give him a name. I could just give him my rogue name that I made up. It's better than coming up with a name now and no one other than my rogue group knew my by this name.


Damn it. I hesitated for too long. He's probably not going to believe me now.

"Ok little bird, why don't we try to get to know each other a bit more, as we don't have very much to do"

He either does believe me or he's just being nice and not questioning me. Either way I appreciate not being judged about it. It's then that I come over all tired, and I have to let out a massive yawn as my body collapses back in his hold.

"Maybe not. A Lycans mark will knock you out for a while, sleep now and regain your energy. I'll be here the entire time"

He says it with a slight laugh to it. Of course he's going to be here the entire time. Unless he can miraculously break the door down without being darted then he won't be going anywhere fast. But for the first time since being here, I can close my eyes knowing that I will be safe and looked after while I try and regain my sleep.


"And what the hell am I supposed to be looking at?"

Oohhh!! It's that screechy voice again

"She's going to be the first on my list when were out of here"

If he thinks he's going to get a first shot in at Zoey he is very mistaken!

"If you touch a hair on her head before I get my chance I swear I'll ..." He's a lycan, what on earth could I do to him? "I swear I'll do something you'll regret"

"Very amusing. I promise you'll get your chance at revenge too"

"We went through the footage last night. It appears he just attacked her for no reason"

Poor security guard. Probably wasting Zoeys valuable time of doing nothing.

"You actually dragged me down here for this?!"

"Xander? Are you sure were getting out soon? I don't know how much more I can tolerate Zoeys voice"

"I promise we'll get out. My team won't stop looking until they find us. I guarantee it"

I really hope so. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in this box.

When Zoey and her minions finally move away from us, Xander and I try to get to know each other more.

He tells me things about his life. How his father and mother are in charge of their pack. It's quite large, and they were based in Russia, but that was before he was captured. Apparently they like to move around a lot. He's an only child, his mother desperately wanted more children, but sadly it seemed fate wasn't on her side for it. His friend Everett, who is in the cell next to us, is the reason for them being captured. Xander doesn't remember a lot about what happened, or why they were out together. He thinks it's because they used so much sedation on him that it did something to his short term memory.

When it came to my turn to share my story. I felt utter shame and humiliation. How could I tell him I was an Alphas daughter who ran? How could I tell him about what I allowed to happen to me? I was a disgrace. So I did what I had to, I lied.

I told him how my father, mother and brother were all rogues. Andrew, Melody and Liam, my rogue pack that took me in. I twisted the story, made it sound better. Better than what had originally happened to me. I couldn't let him know about my past history with Cain, Ronan and Kyle. He wouldn't want me if he knew about that.

I am such a liar. And I feel disgusted with myself for doing it. But I can't lose Xander, I can't lose another mate.

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