Part 42

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The forest looks different in the day light. Its hard to believe that I nearly forgot what an open space looked like. If I wasn't so distracted I think I would look more in to the beauty of it. But as my eyes scan left and right, they are only looking for two small objects of my desire. They ignore the other men that hold weapons. They ignore every bird that calls out, every branch that moves in the wind. My pups. I need to know where they are.

The two men that took them are not within this group. They're either up ahead, or staying well behind so I cant find them. I sniff the air, looking for any scent that I can find from them. But again nothing.

Even though its daylight, we still keep to the cover of the trees. Xander's form is massive; he will be an easy target to see from a distance. Its then I notice that the other wolves from the compound are not here.

"Xander? Where are the others? Where are we going?"

He lowers his head to mine. Even though we can't communicate properly with speech, this is more for the mate bond. But hearing him in my head is enough for now.

"They're up ahead, about 2 miles east in a secure location. Were meeting up there before we head over the border into Germany"

"Germany?! Where are we?"

What the hell? I must have slept the whole way over here; I had no recollection from my capture till waking up here. I'm supposed to be in England, that's where I've been living my whole life

"Were currently in Luxembourg, but not far from the German border"

I should have paid more attention at school. I have no idea where Luxembourg is. Or even what language they speak. I couldn't even point it out on a map. I don't mind where ever we end up; I just don't want to come back to this place ever again.

I now wonder if Xander can actually carry me for the next 2 miles, I probably don't weigh a lot to his Lycan, but we both haven't done anything for such a long time, that my muscle mass has been lost. So I dread to thing how he's carrying himself, let alone me. But I don't think I would be able to walk that distance. But maybe if I can walk on my own ...

"Xander, I think I'm alright to walk for a bit now"

"If I let you down will you follow us?"

No - "Yes"

"I can't let you walk on your own then. I can't let you divert on our course. I know you would look for the pups"

How does he know I'm lying? Is he psychic? Can he read my mind?

"No not your mind. But your wolf is very opinionated, and firm in her decisions. She's too reckless at the moment"

He lifts me up higher, to make his point. I'm not getting down, and I'm in no way too heavy. He lifts me as if I weigh nothing. There's no way I could wrestle my way out, suppose I'll just get more comfy then.


I open my eyes slowly, the sun still shining through; I must have drifted off to sleep again. I do have to remember I've had a bit of a rough day, and that's saying it mildly. Being enclosed in a pair of warm arms and a scorching hot body is enough to send anyone off to a peaceful sleep. It's the longest I've probably slept in ages. But that's only a guess; time has no meaning anymore, not for a long time.

I try to swing my head round, I want to try to look and identify where we are. We are still out in the woods, still undercover, but there are more armed guards here now, ones in different uniforms. One is in front of Xander, I assume mind linking. The conversation between them doesn't last long, before the guard nods his head before leaving. Xander looks down to see that I'm awake. I can feel him moving him thumb against me, it's very comforting.

"Were just about to cross the border. Well be staying with the closest pack for a few days, before we fly down to Italy" 

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