Part 14

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Dr Anderson walks straight up to the man in the black suit. Giving him hand a firm shake in greeting.

"Good afternoon Sir, please excuse the delay, we had a very difficult test subject to deal with, but now she's ready we can begin the presentation for you"

He doesn't reply, just simply nods his head, expecting him to continue. My cage is wheeled into the middle of the room, and I'm just surrounded by more people. There are other men and women in the room. Some who are dressed more smartly and there appears to be another two doctors.

"For safety precautions, this subject will have to remain in the cage." Honestly doc, as much as I would just love to maul you and the rest of the team, I really don't have it in me at the moment. He stands next to my cage as he addresses his audience.

"This is subject #11, from other studies we age her approximately between 18-23, repeated blood samples show she is healthy with no underlying diseases. Although she does appear to be slightly underweight, this could be due to either lack of food, or over exercising, which we know they do a lot of, but this can be easily rectified, and extra food will be provided later in the programme for her."

Right ... so I've been brought here purely for a medical? Did I actually need to be here for this? The man in the suit lifts his hand up and the doctor stops talking instantly.

"So what is it about this one that makes her so special?"

"She seems to have a higher Estrogen and progesterone level. Meaning she produces a lot more hormones than the other females. But we don't know why. She looks no different to the other females that we have obtained, other than her colouring, which is common in wild wolves and others of her kind"

Oh god, not really the sort of things you want to hear people talking about you. I suppose it's a good thing I can't answer back.

"This one is a rather impressive colour. But I am curious about the marks on her."

"Yes sir, we believe the marks on her neck are either fight or mating marks, they are only flesh wounds and do not prevent her from participating in the programme at all. It would be impossible to tell what happened; only she would be able to tell you, although I imagine she wouldn't be willing to answer for us"

The small group let out a few laughs about his last sentence. I can feel myself falling to sleep again, this conversation not really keeping me awake. 

"So Dr. Anderson, do you think she will take to #9?"

He nods his head firmly before answering.

"Out of all the females we have acquired I don't see why she wouldn't. She is in a healthy condition and I think she would be a perfect choice to test on."

Excuse me? Test on? I'm not an actual lab rat! I don't give any consent to be tested on!

"And do you think that it would be best for natural or artificial?" 

A shocked look comes over the group of people. I still don't know who the man in the suit is, but he must be the boss of this organisation, people seem to do what he says and answer any questions that he has. 

"I believe for her own safety that artificial would be best. We already have samples from both subjects. We would just need you to sign the paperwork off first before we begin the procedure sir"

"Perfect. Let's get the paperwork signed and the testing underway. I have a good feeling about this one"

Well at least one of us does. I still have literally no idea what's going on and why I'm even here.

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