Part 15

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"Excuse me Zoey, would you be able to page Dr. Grant, to come down and anesthetise the test subject"

"Of course, ill message him straight away"

Dr. Anderson and 'the man', who I've seen repeatedly but yet to have a name for, walk to the back of the room talking. Much too far away for me to hear anyway. Even in this room I'm having great difficulty using my senses. Not much point being stuck in wolf form if I can't actually use it for my benefit.

'The man' gets handed a document which he briefly reads over before he just signs it and gives it back to Dr. Anderson. Both men then walk back over to me.

"I expect an email on how the procedure goes, and any updates that follow"

"Yes, of course Sir"

They both shake hands, before 'the man' leaves the room, and a few other people follow just shortly after. We seem to wait around for what feels like forever, it feels like forever when you have nothing to entertain you. The doors open quite abruptly and a man runs in looking red in the face and out of breath. Dr. Grant I presume? He looks rather familiar, not quite like I've met him, but I somehow remember him.

"Sorry I'm late mate, I was on my way, but walked past the cafeteria and couldn't help myself "

"Grant, may I remind you that we have a busy schedule to keep. We don't have time for you to be raiding the fridge every hour. Now get to it please"

"Of course Dr. Anderson, but one simply cannot work on an empty stomach, luckily I'm now loaded and ready for work"

Dr. Grant seems quite playful for being round here, everyone else is so serious and tedious, and so it nice to see someone winding the doctor up, especially as it seems so easy to do.

"Afternoon little lady, hope your being a good girl for these guys. Clive! How much sedation has she had?"

"She had more than a full dose, but I'll warn you, she's quite feisty compared to the other females."

"Yeah mate, I heard Peter complain that she nearly decapitated him. Well his version of it anyway"

The two men have a small chuckle between them, probably so they're not heard by the other doctors.

"Well in that case, I'll dart her, then when she's out we'll prep her properly for the procedure"

No more darts! If I wanted to be stabbed that many times I would ... I don't know what I'd do but id go and do it if I loved needles that much. I watch Dr. Grant load the needle up. Surely it isn't healthy to have this much sedation in such a short amount of time. Especially the amount they seem to like loading me up with.

Grant lines up the dart gun before shooting me. I don't even have the energy to remove it myself this time.

"Night night, sleep tight little one"

Little one. If I wasn't in a cage stuck in wolf form, I would pick myself up and hide somewhere to cry, a name I never wanted to be called again. A name from a past life. A life I never want to go over again.

It's his name on my mind as the drugs take affect, sending me off to a complete nightmare to relive, with no help of waking up from. 

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