Part 5

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The word to look for there is trying. I try my hardest to get up, but as soon as I get on my back legs, I stumble. I try again, and again, and again. I feel so tired; my body is slowly giving in to the sedation. I look round, its then I notice that I'm starting to be surrounded by these strange creatures. I try my hardest to sound intimidating, but it's really hard when you can barely open your mouth to show your teeth. I look to them again. I mean they sort of look like us when were not in wolf form. But they don't smell like werewolves. Maybe they are aliens! Or maybe I'm just hallucinating from the drugs in my system.

Then I feel another dart hit me. My wolf let's out a small growl, whoever made these, didn't want them to come out easily.

"Alpha team, prepare for transport. As soon as that thing hits the ground I want to be up and running in 5"


No sooner than the word no crosses my mind, my body hits the floor. I'm still awake, just about. The only thing I can do is blink, and it's becoming a challenge to open them again.

"Restrain it properly! I want it tied down and secured. We can't have any accident with this one. It'll be a prize catch for the boss"

My eyes close. My senses just about pick up the things moving towards me. I can feel my body being moved, it takes a few of them to do it, but I can't do anything to stop it.

"Sir, its female, the boss is going to be pleased!"

"She must be fucking strong with the amount of sedation she took. Even now she's trying to fight it!"

My body is placed on something uncomfortable, probably ready for transport to wherever it is I'm now going.

"Bravo team?"

"Bravo team receiving"

"Alpha and Charlie secured female this end, report in"

"White has been lost sir"

Whoever is brave enough to touch me lifts my eyelid open, and shines a light directly into it.

"Holy shit! Sir! She's still awake!

"She doesn't look awake; just give her a bit more."

"If I give her much more she could go into a coma, or I could kill her"

"You are not bringing that on the transporter unless it's completely knocked out. Just sedate her further!"

"Yes sir"

Is this really what my death is going to be like? Laying on whatever the hell this is, mostly unconscious, with two males bickering, about potentially murdering me by accident. What a shit way to go! Some idiot who is brave enough lifts my front paw out. If I was semi conscious, I would have ripped his arm from his shoulder. A sharp sting on my leg is felt.

The voices finally go quiet. The darkness takes over even more, my breathe slows down. I finally drift off to sleep. 

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