Part 47

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What is the fucking point of a clock showing that time? I roll over again and again trying to get more comfy. Trying not to make too much noise and wake Xander. But it seems impossible to settle down again. I feel wide awake.


I swear it's been this time for at least 5 minutes. I know staring at a clock wont help me fall asleep, but I'm in a room that I don't know, and although I appreciate the huge bed, I'm not used to sharing. But I do feel slightly better being closer to Xander. I feel oddly safer. But being in the bed next to a Lycan does feel slightly weird. Beds were not designed for his huge size. But for some reason we all can't shift back yet. Alpha Klaus said that his team would work through the night to test the samples they could get and try to get some results to help us.


That's it! I'm getting up. I don't know for what reason but I can't lie here for the next few hours just waiting around to find out that I couldn't sleep anymore. Not quite sure what I'm going to do, being stuck in this form does limit my abilities to do many things, but maybe a walk round will help.

I quietly get up, jumping off the bed and landing lightly on my feet, looking back over my shoulder towards Xander. His breathing has slowed, I know his awake now and listening for my movements, but he doesn't question me as I leave the room.

I look down the long corridor, thinking about where I want to actually go. This isn't my pack, or one that I'm familiar with, I don't know if the rules here would be different that what I'm used to. I don't want to get into trouble; the Alpha has gone out of his way to accommodate us. I just go back the way I came, I know I had to come up a set of stairs to get to this room. When I get to the bottom, there's a small group of teenagers talking quietly in what appears to be a living room, it seems there's some others that cant sleep either. One male looks over to me before giving me a friendly smile and talking to me

"Kann man bei Vollmond auch nicht schlafen?"

I wasn't aware it was a full moon anyway, but I can't sleep regardless so I just nod my head towards him. I can't exactly answer him back, I'm not a member of this pack so have no link. Another male looks to me before he also speaks to me.

"Wir gehen gleich los, wenn du mitmachen willst?"

Who willingly exercises at this time of morning? What's wrong with them? I'd be in bed asleep if I could. I wouldn't want to impose on them; I don't know them and don't want to be close to other wolves yet. So I politely shake my head no.

"Rudeltraining hat vor 5 Minuten begonnen. Ich will dich jetzt vor diesen Türen haben!"

A female comes round the corner issuing orders. She gives off the aura of power. She is obviously the Luna of this pack. She's very tall, striking blue eyes with blonde hair that is pulled back into a pony tail, and dressed ready to whip these young wolves into shape. I slightly bow my head to her. I need to be respectful here. She nods slightly back to me before following the others out the door.

I follow behind, maybe a light run will make me tired enough to fall asleep for a few more hours. I don't know how long it's been since I went on a proper run. I wouldn't even have a quarter of the stamina I used to have, and I barely have any muscle mass to attempt a full run.

I walk for a good few minutes before I pick up the pace. I don't want to over exert myself, so I keep close to the pack house. I do a few laps round the pack house; I don't feel comfortable enough to go too far, I'm not sure what else lurks in the surrounding land. And since being captured I don't want to come across anything I'm unprepared for.

Lap number three is nearly over. I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, but I noticeably would. I'm completely out of shape, but I won't get fitter if I don't push myself to some extent.

Half way round lap four, I begin to feel dizzy. My heart is pounding, my lungs on fire. No pain, no gain. Its basic knowledge if I want to start improving myself. I manage to complete lap four. But I never get the chance to go any further. My body has had enough. I start walking off, my body needs to recover. The dizziness gets worse; my eyes can't focus, no matter how many times I blink. My body sways left and right, I just about cope with a straight line, until my foot misses its step.

I feel myself hit the ground hard.

My whole body begins to shake. Uncontrollable shaking. It never seems to stop.

I hear people shouting, but I can't understand what they're saying. I can't translate anything quick enough to form sentences.

Blurry images appear in front of me, I have no idea who is who.

Everything seems to come to a stop, as my eyes finally close to a black background. One thought crosses my mind before I lose consciousness.

What have I done to myself?

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