Part 33

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"There will always be more subjects. It doesn't matter if she dies. We just know to put one in next time"

Grant practically throws his Ipad at her face before he shouts back at her

"Don't you care that she's suffering? She's on deaths door! Her last results couldn't even register on the machine properly because they're so low. She probably won't even make it through the weekend"

"Are you not listening to me? I just said we can get more of them."

Zoey does her usual when she can't win her argument. She tries to get the last word in before she storms away.

"Don't you walk away from me!"

This time he's not waiting behind, Grant runs off after her throwing the doors open before their explosive argument carries on in the corridor. Leaving us all alone

"'I'm so sorry, but I can't let you die"

And what is the voice in my head going to do about it? Absolutely nothing. I don't even know what year it is anymore, so not sure how my mind is going to keep me alive.

My Lycan pulls me closer to him. Oh god he's so warm, and surprisingly comfortable. When he holds me tighter rather than panic like I used to, I strangely feel secure in his arms.

"Please forgive me"

And what am I supposed to forgi-

Holy fucking shit! A pain radiates in my neck. It burns so much that I let out a scream and a howl. His teeth are firmly implanted into my muscle. I scream for anyone to hear and help me. Although I felt like I could barely move a few moments ago, I now attempt to thrash around with any energy I have left. But the Lycan holds me tighter and restricts my movements. A bond forms in my heart and soul. Intertwining our fates together. He releases his powerful jaw, and licks the wound trying to stop the blood flow and kick in my healing ability.

Mate – no. we are not talking about this at the moment.

He doesn't let go of me. And for good reason. I'm fucking livid. And he must be able to feel my emotions radiating off of me

"It's potentially saved your life"

That voice in my head. Don't tell me I've been an idiot all this time. Don't tell me that the voices that I've heard weren't me making it up. It was all him.

I don't know that if I reach out if he'll hear me. I haven't been in a pack for a few years so I couldn't communicate mentally to another wolf. But I try anyway

"And at what cost? What is your mark going to do to me? To my pups"

He slowly releases his hold on me, not enough for me to be able to get away, but just for me to be more comfortable

"My mark will make you stronger. And it won't hurt 'our' pups"

A reply. My angry emotion disappears instantly. Words that I thought I would never hear in my wolf form ever again. If I could cry, I would. My wolf lets out a whimper. She's feeling emotionally distraught by it.

"It's alright. I'm sorry we couldn't communicate quicker. But I didn't want to mark you too soon. You've suffered enough"

His words break down what's left of my wall. Icouldn't do this anymore by myself. But now I have someone on my side. Someonewho I can trust to look out for me and our pups.

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