Part 45

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A/N – some of the dialogue will be in a different language, I've translated this from google, but if its wrong then I do apologise

Also, some people have commented that they're a bit confused about the Lycan and werewolf forms. The Lycans I've based on look like the ones from the under world series, so can stand on their back legs and walk on them, but can also crouch down to run on all fours if needed. They also have clawed hands, rather than paws so are able to pick things up and hold them. Where as the werewolf is based on more from like the twilight movies. Hope that clears any confusion up J

When we arrived at the pack, everyone was in silence. Xander explained that he requested from the Alpha from the "Rotter Fluss" pack that they remain inside while we unload. I've studied German before, and I know this is the Red River pack. Xander hasn't personally met this Alpha before, but said they were more than prepared to accommodate for our needs.

As soon as the lorry door was opened, I was on high alert, this is a completely new territory for me, I don't under stand their rules, and they could be totally differently to what I was used to in my home pack.

I managed to get out of the lorry without much help, but that was about as much as I was willing to move, I was in the open, and I could feel people staring right throught me. I wasn't safe here. I needed to go into hiding, but my body wasn't ready to start running yet.

There are more of Xanders guards here, obviously we managed to catch up to the leading party. But still no sign of the other wolves we were held captive with, and no sign of the two guards who stole my pups. Xander gently touches my shoulder, before crouching down to my level to communicate with me.

"We're going to head down to the medical bay to meet with the others"

"Just meet the others? Nothing more?"

I need clarification. I've already told him I don't want doctors anywhere near me. It may sound silly, but the lab has left a bit of a mental scar on me. And I don't completely feel on deaths door to need a doctor yet

"Well realistically, we both need testing and treatment, but I'm not going to force you"

I nod my head. I can walk down to meet the others. How hard can it be? It'll probably be like how my packs hospital bay was. So it won't be a tiny confined space and there will be doors that I can leave from if it gets too much for me. I can do this, no problem


I can't do this, this was a silly idea. The smell of the place hit my stomach as soon as we walked in. The cleaning products too strong for my advanced smell and playing havoc with my mind and bringing memories up from the cell and years ago. Xander didn't drag me in here, but he wouldn't let me back up. He said I had to stay in the room with him to check on the others.

When the door was opened for me, I was met with the three other wolves I was held captive with, one being Xanders friend who's name I remember to be Everett, a male and female doctor. And a man who I'm assuming is the Alpha of this pack, his arms are crossed and he's looking very serious. I don't like the look on his face; he's making me feel uncomfortable about being here. Like he's judging us all. He looks towards us before speaking.

"Bist du sicher, dass du meinem Rudel keine Probleme bereiten wirst?"

What problems could we bring. Humans wouldn't attack a whole pack, it'd be suicide. The Alpha's face goes blank, he's communicating with someone. He nods his head towards Xander.

"Alpha Klaus is just worried about anything happening to his pack"

I look up towards Xander before nodding my own head. It makes sense. He's an Alpha looking out for every member here. Doing his job to make sure everyone will be safe.

The female doctor looks over in my direction before addressing me

"Ah, junge Dame, möchten Sie vorbeikommen, damit ich Sie durchchecken kann?"

"She just wants to check you over? Is that alright?"

Xander immediate translates for me. I don't want to tell him I know how to speak German, I'm scared he would try to hide something from me if another language was spoken. I want to know exactly what's going on. Regardless, I shake my head no. The Doctor look back to me confused.

"Oh Schatz, es ist kein Grund zur Sorge. Nur eine kleine Blutprobe und ich habe gehört, dass Sie kürzlich ein Kind zur Welt gebracht haben. Es muss nur sichergestellt werden, dass alles in Ordnung ist"

"She said she just wants to take some blood, and check on your health after delivering the pups"

She slowly approaches, but the instant she puts her hand into her pocket to pull out a needle, I growl. I don't want to be corned in here. She looks up towards Xander before backing away. 

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