Part 7

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Come on Clive. Come near my cage. I dare you.

For the past 10 minutes I've purposely been tormenting him. He managed to find some help. Someone by the name of Justin, he's dressed like the group that captured me. Justin has been trying to wheel my cage out the door being held open by Clive, but every time he goes to open the door again, I growl. I've realised I don't even have to make that much noise to even frighten him, a small one is all that's needed for him to make a run for his life.

"Seriously Clive! The dog is not going to get you, it's trapped in a cage, muzzled, and half asleep, to the fact she can't even lift her head up. I've honestly got better things to be doing today"

"That is not a dog! She's so much more than that."

Hmm. Does Clive know I'm not just a regular wolf? That I'm actually a werewolf, and can shift to and from. Well when I eventually can. I still can't seem to get to that point.

"It's just winding you up, just stand behind the door so you can't see it"

Just as we get close, I let out another little growl. It's enough for the door to shake a bit. Oh why can't I laugh in wolf form?

The new room that I've been wheeled into is basically massive. Everything seems to just be a blinding white, something like a hospital ward, but without all the beds and equipment instead there seem to be cells all lined up. The middle of the room looks like something out of a sci-fi film, like a scientist lab.

I pass the first cell. In it appears to be another werewolf. A light brown one, I try to get a scent. But I can't seem to get one in this room. The wolf seems on the smaller size. But doesn't even seem to notice me, as it's tucked up at the back of the cell facing the wall. There's a number on the door for it. #2

Cell two also contains another wolf. This one is a light grey, seems to be of average size, and seems to be carrying a lot more weight than the last one. Again, no scent is found, but the wolf is again at the back of the cell. This one is #6

Cell three, a dark grey wolf, #7. Unlike the other 2, this one is pacing around, snarling and clearly very agitated. At what I'm unsure about.

I'm wheeled past another cell, with #8 on. This wolf or whatever was in here, isn't occupying it at the moment.

The next cell #9 is also empty. The cell is currently being cleaned up. I don't need to be able to pick up a scent with what's being mopped up, with the mop being red, it's obviously blood. It looks like someone got massacred in there.

The last cell. It has #11 on it. That's what the guy referred to me earlier as. I suppose this is my new temporary accommodation. At least it's warm in here, but even then I would rather sit out in the snow and freeze my arse off and stave to death than be stuck in here.

"There you go Clive; I've wheeled it out for you"

"No no no! Just wait a minute; the agreement was that you put her in the cage"

"Fine I'll put it in the cage, but that's it"

"Yo-you need to remove her muzzle too"

Justin lets out a sigh.

"Honestly how did you get this job?"

"I'm smart, not brave, you're the military man, who's fought in wars, I'm just a scientist"

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