Welcome Back

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Max's POV
My mom called me to her room so I headed up there. "Why did you call me?" I asked. "I need you to come with me and your dad to get bailey" she said. "Baileys back?!" I said, shocked. "Yeah your dads in the car so lets go, we gotta get to the airport" she said. 

We're at the airport. This is taking forever. I've been here for two hours. "Flight 246 has arrived" the woman said over the speakers. "That's bailey's flight" dad said. I stood up from the chair and waited for her to emerge from the crowd. I saw her come out and walk towards us. She grew her hair out since I last saw her. She has brown hair like our dad. I have brown hair too but I dye it green. Bailey ran up and hugged our mom. "Hey bailey" I greeted. "Hey Max" she said. "So are you staying this time?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Actually yes" she said. "Really?" I asked, surprised. "Yeah. Let's just say some shit went down in Alaska and now I never wanna go back. Also, I'm officially done with boys! I'm going full lesbian! I will never make that stupid mistake again." She said. I smiled sympathetically. "Well, since you like girls so much, you'll be happy to know we added one." I said. "Who Riley? Retro already told me." She said. "No not her. You'll see." I said.

We got up to the live room and I swung open the door. "Baileys Back!" I yelled. They all looked over shocked. "Chill out Max. It's not that big of a deal." Bailey said with a laugh. She came in the door and Addison walked over to her. "Welcome back. We missed you." She said. "I missed you guys too." Bailey smiled. Retro walked to her. "You staying this time?" She asked. "Yeah. Definitely." Bailey nodded. "Great. Go unpack, Yellow." Retro smiled. She tossed Bailey a yellow arrow head and she just barely caught it. "Thanks. Hey, where's Dylan and Sean?" she asked. "Dylan's at practice." Addison said. "Sean's dead." Retro smirked. "Oh lord. What's that mean? Is he hung over or something?" Bailey laughed. "Nothing like that." Retro said. I walked over to Sky's room and knocked. "Hey! Bailey's back!" I called out. "Just a sec!" She called back. Bailey got confused by the voice. I walked back to her. "I told you." I mumbled. Sky walked out and smiled. "Hey! Long time no see." She said. Baileys jaw dropped and I couldn't help but notice her face grow pink. "Yeah... long time indeed." Bailey said breathlessly. "Retro, did you seriously not tell her?" Sky asked. "That's your job. It's your body!" Retro said. Sky walked to Bailey. "It's good to have you back Bails." She smiled. Bailey just nodded. "Mhm. Great to be back." She laughed nervously. I chuckled to myself. "You're hopeless." I laughed. 

Lizz POV
My dad called me down to the basement. "Hey dad! You wanted to see me?" I asked. Charlie and Zed were both there to my surprise. "Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked with a smile. They looked at each other and then at me. "You're not gonna like what we have to tell you." Charlie looked down. I raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Potentially." Zed nodded. Charlie nudged him and then looked at me. "Lizz, you know how strict Tublo culture is, correct?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Isn't that why we live on earth?" I asked. "Living on earth doesn't mean you don't have to follow Tublo traditions. It just means you have to follow earths rules instead on the moons." Zed explained. "Oh... did I do something wrong?" I asked confused. "Not yet." Zed said. Charlie nudged him again in annoyance and looked back at me. "You're almost sixteen Lizz. And unfortunately... the Tublo king has no problem coming to earth to execute you if you aren't married in the next year." Charlie said. My jaw dropped. "You're kidding." I said. "No." Zed shook his head. I exhaled deeply and leaned on the table for stability. "I know it's a lot to take in Lizz, but you have time. We'll be here to help you with whatever we can." Charlie said. "What? That's not a lot. Every Tublo kid goes through this!" Zed protested. "It's not a lot for the kids on the moon Zed. It's been imprinted into their minds since they were old enough to understand. It's definitely a lot for someone who wasn't raised there and doesn't know any better!" Charlie exclaimed. Zed looked over me as I tried to stable my breathing. "Lizz?" Zed asked. I looked at him. "You don't have to worry about anything. I won't let them lay a paw on you." He said. I nodded. "Thank you dad." I said.

I went back up to Kara and I's room, turned into my ferret form, and laid down in my cage.  I laid in there all day. I didn't even get up to go to dinner. I just laid awake in my own thoughts. It was like I couldn't escape my head. "Lizz?" Kara asked. I glanced over and saw her looking concerned. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you ok? Zephyr said she heard you and your dads talking earlier. She said it didn't sound good." She told me. "I'm fine Kara." I lied. "No. You're not. We're linked remember? I can feel you're sad." She said. I huffed and got up. I opened my cage and hopped out. I changed back to my human form. 

I sat down on Kara's bed and she sat beside me. "What's wrong?" She asked. I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. "I have to get married before I turn seventeen. I only have a year to find a girlfriend and get married before the Tublos come down here and kill me." I explained. She just stared at me for a minute. "Ok... so then let's go." She stood up. "What?" I asked. "Well I'm not gonna let you die." She said. She held out her hand to me and smiled. I stared at it for a moment. I really wish I could take her hand. "I can't... I can't accept that." I said sadly. "Why not?" She asked. "It'd be wrong." I said. "Maybe, but you'd be alive." She shrugged. "No. It'd be wrong because..." I stopped and sighed. I looked down. "Because I love you, but you don't love me." I admitted. "You what?" Kara asked confused. "I have a crush on you Kara! I have for a long time. I can't marry you when you don't feel the same. It'd break my heart." I said. She smiled. "I knew you had a crush on me. I didn't know you loved me." She said. "How could I not?" I asked. She just smiled again and sat beside me. "Well, then I guess you'll be going the long way. Do you want to start with a date?" She asked. I looked at her shocked and confused. She laughed. "You're my best friend Lizz. You mean everything to me. And I'll admit, ever since Kimber dumped me, I do see you a little differently." She smiled. "Really?" I asked. She nodded. "Do you want to give it a shot?" She asked. "How do I know you're not just saying this?" I asked. "You don't. You're just gonna have to trust me." She said. I stared at her for a moment. "I trust you." I smiled. She wrapped her arm around me. "Then let's go. My parents and Santana are both out tonight. No one will notice if we leave." She said. I smiled. "Ok." I agreed. I took her hand and we left.

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